Monday, June 11, 2012

Talkin' 'Bout Some Bad Girls, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Lambs, if you thought the fastest  girls in your high school were pieces of work, the assortment I have served up on here have nothing on them!!!!!!!!!!   Let's start with the girl, pictured at the top!!!! Do you know what her actual name is???? Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!  That is right!  I kid you not.
No, she is not an actress, nor is she Susan Strasberg's daughter (named Jennifer, fathered by actor Christopher Jones,  with Jennifer Jones, the actress as her godmother!!!!!!!!!).  And she is definitely NO Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What she is is a predatory lesbian!!!!!!!  Audrey, who was Jennifer's sister, was dating Bobbbi Jo, till that Jennifer stepped in, and broke things up!!!!!!!!  Bobbi Jo left Audrey for Jennifer!!!!!!  The two clung to each other like ivy, till they went on the lam, with Jennifer's mother along, to support her daughter, due to an altercation, than murder, with a roommate.

                                       This whole crowd is real trash, I am telling you!  And what kind of mother goes on the lam with her daughter??????  Seems like Mama was having as good a time as the girls!!!!!!!! Maybe she wanted to relive her youth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Eventually, this crew was caught and apprehended, but I think Jennifer should get a name change.  She is unworthy of the name Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!  The REAL Jennifer Jones must be rolling in her grave!!!!!!!!!

                                           Then, there was the murder of Kimberly Nees in Poplar, Montana.  Remember the 'SVU' episode "Mean", where Emily Sullivan was murdered by her girlfriends out of jealousy???? This sounds pretty much like the same thing, except those girls were high echelon private school types, and the ones in Poplar, were, again, white trash!!!!!!!!! 

                                              It seems Sissy Atkinson, Maude Greyheart and Jo Anne Jackson, all knew Kim, but were jealous of her. She may have gotten high with then once in awhile, but she was an honor student, a class valedictorian, and she was going to leave behind Poplar, which she was evidently too good for.  Not so her cronies, who lured her out to a deserted area, got into a fight, when wrenches and tire irons appeared, and Kim was beaten senseless to death.   Though Barry Beach, now doing time, had the crime pinned on him, it was done by these girls, because Maude Greyheart's (no class, that one!) father was a police officer on the case, so Daddy covered up for his daughter and her  friends.  This happened on June 16, 1979, so they are still walking streets they don't deserve too.  And they are hopeless addicted trash!!!!!!!!!

                                               These are some of the baddest bad girls I have come across in a long time!!!!!!   They deserve to have their hair shaved off and locked in a prison cell!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Don't you act like these girls, none, you hear???????????????



  1. actually... Audrey is Jennifer 's sister. Bobbi Jo was dating Audrey and left her for Jennifer. just sayin...

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  4. Thanks for the heads up! I did not see this till now. I saw a rebroadcast of the Poplar River murder, and went back to see if I had written on it. So, I fixed this one up! Thanks!
