Sunday, June 3, 2012

Now, Darlings, About Green Lantern Being Gay!!!!!!!

                                          Girls, as you can imagine, it has been eons since I picked up and read a DC Comic cover to cover.  I do recall them always being my super-hero favorites, mainly because of the costumes.  So, naturally, when I heard that one of their creations was going to emerge as being gay, I had to wonder whom it might be.

                                           I thought the most obvious choice would have been Batman.  After all, Bruce Wayne, and his "young ward" Dick Grayson!!!!!  Come on, honeys; we all winked at that one, once we were old enough to read between the lines.

                                           Personally, I was hoping for The Flash!!!!  He was my favorite, because of his costume, and I would not mind having super speed.  Now, he did have a fiance, Iris West, BUT she had a teenage nephew, Wally, who was kind of cute, and if you know your DC history, then you know that one time Wally and Flash (as Barry Allen) were in the lab, alone, and, while he was demonstrating to Wally the accident which gave him his powers, the SAME accident happened to Wally, so he became....Kid Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But, alas, the one they chose was......Green Lantern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Some people might find that tight, form fitting green costume hot, but it  never did a thing for me!  And needing a ring to do everything did not seem much of a power to me.  What if you forgot to put it on, after taking a shower?  After all, was the Power Ring (as it was called) water proof????

                                              And there was just the recent Green Lantern movie with luscious Ryan Reynolds.  Now, if there is a sequel, how is he to play it?  Or will he?


                                                As far as I am concerned, DC has copped out.

                                                Because the Green  Lantern who is going to be gay is NOT the one we all know above--namely Hal Jordan from the 1960s era, who lived on  Earth One, and was a member of the Justice League Of America.  Instead it is going to be the Green Lantern, of Earth 2, who is a member of the
Justice Society Of America!!!!!

                                                 Darlings, I object!!!!  Because when we think of DC and Green Lantern, we think of Hal Jordan, as pictured above!!!!  Just like the recent revival of 'On A Clear Day'--the creators here did not have the courage of their convictions to go as far as they should!!!!!  Whether THIS Green Lantern is gay or straight does not matter to those of us who care and remember the super-hero!!!!  I am
telling you, it should have been The Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Or maybe Black Canary should have come out as a lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!

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