Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Darlings, I Promised You A Look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Who says I don't keep my promises to my girls???? I told you, as soon, as I was able, I would give you a look at the Delacorte "Into The Woods."  Well, here it is!!!!!!!! Don't all applaud at once!  If what you are seeing does not exactly blow you away, do not feel bad, dolls, because my sources who have actually seen the entire production, were not blown away, either.

                                I keep hearing there are so many problems. Like the staging is uninspired.  And, not having been yet, I am inclined to agree. But what I see before me suggests more the Spook-A-Rama ride at Coney Island than this Sondheim musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The word on the street is that the pivotal roles of the Baker and the Baker's Wife are not well cast, because Denis O'Hare and Amy Adams are not vocally strong enough to perform them. Which is ironic, because both have musical theater training.  (Denis was great in the Roundabout "Assassins!!!!!!!!!")  My sources suggest both have been doing film and TV so long they have neglected to train the musical theater portion of their voices, and need to get some training fast.
Get MERYL at once, for Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And just what have they done to our Amy????  See the woman slouching behind, and to the left, of the little boy????? That is Amy Adams!!!!!!!!!!  She is wearing, I am told, a big bun on her head (because she is playing the Baker's Wife--ha! ha! A bun; get it??? What is the level of the creative team here, junior high?????), and, as for her outfit, it looks more fitting for "Les Miserables" or "Rags" than this Sondheim gem.  Even in the same role, Joanna Gleason (who owns it, darlings!!!!!!!) managed to look elegant.  Amy Adams is one of the most stunning looking women out  there, and what that bitch costume designer, Emily Rebholz, forced on her is inexcusable!!!!!!!  Plus, so I am told, she would be better off as Cinderella, although Jessie Mueller (who, with David Turner, was one of the things that saved the abominable 'On A Clear Day' revival!!!!!!) comes off better here than the leads.  At least, that is what I hear!!!!!!  Donna Murphy, I am told, is just TOO creepy as the Witch in the first half (told you they should have gotten MERYL!!!!!!!!), and the part does not suit her vocally.   As for the Little Boy, that is Jack Broderick, here playing the Narrator, once originated by the veteran actor Tom Aldredge??? How can a child be expected to deliver the opening patter that commences the show?????  Whose bright idea was this???????  Remember Dick Cavett in 'Rocky Horror' several years back????????  Now, that might have worked!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The more I think about this "Into The Woods," the more I want to hold tight to my magical memories of the Original Production.  Or at least dig out my recording, and listen to it again; it has been awhile.  What seems to be the hottest thing this Summer could be one big fizzle by the time it is supposed to end its run, on August 25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Remember, you heard it here, first, loves!!!!! And, if you go, and your experience refutes this, please tell me!!!!!!!! I would like to hope it could be improved to a point where we would all WANT to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        "Isn't it nice to know a lot?  And a little bit NOT!"

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