Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Girls, This Eatery Laid An Egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "  Spanky: Hey Santa Claus, do you know what a shipping clerk is?
                                               Burglar: Yeah, I know what a shipping clerk is .
                                                  Spanky: What is it?
                                               Burglar:  Well...a shipping clerk...a shipping clerk...is a cluck!!!!!!!
                                                   Spanky:  My Daddy's the head cluck!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                Burglar: Your DADDY's the head cluck??????????"

                                    Remember that wonderful exchange between Spanky and the Burglar, in the 1933 comedy, "Bedtime Worries????"  The one where his parents are named Emerson and Gay,  as opposed to John and Claudia just two years later (1935) in "Anniversary Trouble'?????????

                                     Talk about clucks!  Monsieur and I had a heaping dose, when we had a take home meal, just last night!

                                       The Hen House is hothouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Both of us--Monsieur and moi--have been tempted by the Hen House, the chicken eatery near our apartment in Bay Ridge, curious to try it.  It looked clean and inviting, and the food looked luscious. 

                                   Well, girls, the place is clean and inviting, but the food was not exactly luscious!!!!!!

                                     Still in the midst of  his part of our book project yesterday, Monsieur devoted much of his free time last eve to straightening out the mess in the living room, which, I have to say,he did a great job doing.  So much so that there was no time to whip up a scrumptious meal. Not that I was expecting chateau briand (at least,not last night!!!!!!!!) or sole meuniere, but, unfortunately the choice made turned out to be our first bad eating experience in Bay Ridge.

                                         Though let me say right off, the corn bread, con on the cob and mashed sweet potatoes, were fabulous!!!!!!!!! You know what the downfall of the Hen House meal Monsieur brought home was??????????  Are you ready, darlings?????????  The chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Can you believe it????????  This is what the place specializes in, but I am telling you, this roasted (I think it was roasted) chicken, which my partner was told had just come fresh from the oven, was burnt to a crisp!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not only that, the meat was so dry; while it tasted like chicken, most of the flavor had gone out of it long ago.  If anything cried out for gravy, this was it!!!!! Why didn't either of us have the sense to reach for the Franco-American????????  Or Knorr's???????????

                                             And if this is how they do their chicken, heaven help them on the ribs!!!!!!  Now, I am always willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt, so maybe I will pay a solo visit there someday, just to see how things compare.  But, judging from last night, we would have done better by one of the rotisserie chickens at Key Foods or our nearby Food City, where the chicken looked tender and moist.  Just like me, each morning, after I baste myself with moisturizer and sun screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Cluck cluck, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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