Friday, July 20, 2012

Darlings, This Was A Dark Knight For All Of Us!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                    I ask you, girls, what is the world coming to??????  Here I am, trying to select my wardrobe, do my beauty regimen, and what do I hear on the news this morning, while getting ready for work,  but this massive shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at, of all places, a movie theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Is this Columbine happening again??????????  Why Colorado??????????

                           It seems that, at the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," the latest Batman movie (the one where Anne Hathaway is playing the Catwoman!!!!!!!) viewers were treated to a barrage of bullets and tear gas explosions, that left at least 12 dead and maybe up to 50 wounded.  I heard one of the victims (though I am not sure if they are alive) was a three month old baby!!!!!!!!!  I also heard a two year old was shot at point blank range? ?????????

                             Let' get this out of the way first, dolls!!!!!!!!!! Who brings children of this age to a midnight screening???????????  I don't even do them anymore, at my advanced age!!!!!!!!!!

                                James Holmes, a 24-year-old man, who lives about five miles from the theater, was the shooter.  It seems he entered, with a bullet proof vest, gas mask, ammunition, and canisters. How did he get in?????????  Now, get this--when his mother, who lives in San Diego, heard of the incident, she knew it was him, and phoned the police, saying she had to fly to Colorado.  Now, if she knew what he was capable of, why didn't she warn Aurora authorities before? I am not saying the blood of those killed or injured is on her hands--she is not to blame--but I call it poor judgement, when you have a sense of the instability of someone you love, and you do not reach out and warn others!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And just what is Holmes's story???????  Does he work??????? What is he doing in Aurora?????? What triggered this???????? Was it Batman??????? Because one thing is certain--he commenced firing at a precise spot, about twenty minutes into the filming, where gun shots could be heard on screen, so that the fictitious and real ones would blend together, which they did.  This indicates not only that he had seen the movie befoe, but that he had planned this!!!!!!!   Because viewers thought this was initially part of the show, right up to Holmes' Batman villain-like appearance. But when people began dropping, the others fled for their lives, knowing this was the REAL thing.

                                     I thought maybe Holmes would shoot himself afterward. But he did not, and police have him in custody, where he implies there are explosives in his apartment (great for his neighbors!!!!!!!) and which has compelled Aurora police to cord off the parking lot, for fear something is there!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Let me tell you, I had no intention of seeing this movie in the first place, but I will not now.  One wonders how this will effect the film's grosses--or will it?????  And, of course, my worst fear--not just of public places, which we subconsciously  push out of our minds each day, otherwise we would drive ourselves insane--but with what air travel has become, due to security checks, will something as innocuous as going to the movies now become such???????

                                          It all depends how this plays out!  But there is no doubt about it--ths is the Story Of The Summer, and will be, at year's end, one of the toppers of 2012!!!!!!!!!!

                                            See you at the movies, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Give me Cesar Romero.When HE played the Joker, nobody got shot!

  2. How true! How true! For my money, Romero was the best Joker. The first film with Ledger went just a bit too far--with pathology, violence, everything. I had no plans to see the current film before the incident, but I sure will not now.

    And I LOVED some of the 60s Batman villains. Remember Anne Baxter, as Zelda The Great????

  3. Anne Baxter was also Olga Queen of the Cossacks, paired up with Vincent Price as Egghead. "Eggski dahlink, I vant that emerald!"
