Monday, July 23, 2012

This Is What Evil Looks Like, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Darlings, just in case you have not heard--but I am sure you have--let me introduce you to James Eagan Holmes. He, of course will be known from now on as the Batman Movie Massacrer, just as his shooting incident, the most heinous since Columbine, will be forever known as the Batman Movie Massacre.

                             Years ago, John Denver sang about a "Colorado Rocky Mountain High." Today, I have to wonder, what is it with out there???????

                                One can't blame Colorado, since Holmes did not come from there, but from San Diego, California.  But this incident raises so many questions, and it is time to voice them.

                                Before we get to the incident itself--

                                 What are parents doing bringing three month and six year old children to the midnight screenings of anything???????????

                                     If Mr. Homes' mother had the inkling that her son was responsible, which she did, why was help not obtained before???? Or was it?????????

                                       Which brings to question his upbringing, schooling, etc.  Anything there that might have been the impetus for this. Abuse?  Bullying?  Even if he is clinically a sociopath, the trigger has to come from someplace.

                                           The height of irony is that even convicted prisoners are calling for his death!  Not that they are innocent.   But even they have a kind of remorse and sorrow for the massacre victims that this shooter does not.

                                             Where and how did Mr. Holmes, pretty much your garden variety nebbish, learn the skills necessary to fire such weaponry???   I couldn't, even if I wanted to try!!! Which I do not!!!!!!!!!  And there was a shooting club that denied him membership, because they detected something unstable about his behavior. Good for you, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  His defense team is going to have a hard to impossible task to establish his insanity, in the face of such organized, meticulous, calculated, and, yes, deliberate planning.  Is this rational behavior?  No!!!!!!!  But his methodical sense proved he understood fully what he was doing, and had an agenda!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    What the agenda should be is a psychological examination of Mr. Holmes, followed by a re-examination of the laws granting people accessibility to guns.  Screw the NRA and its right wing political clout!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Musical theater's Annie Oakley sang "You Can't Get A Man With A Gun!"  She was right. On the basis of this recent event, Not Every Man Should Have A Gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Right, darlings????????????????????????????

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