Sunday, July 1, 2012


                                 After yesterday, when attending my friend, Audrey's, annual birthday party, I have no doubt that, as she herself said, the demographics of her parties have changed.

                                  For many years, it was just us career singles, darling, socializing and yearning for domesticity--namely, a husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But now, with Time's intervention, some of us, including yours truly, have found domesticity, while Audrey and her sister have both become mothers.  And now those offspring are in school and Day Care, which means the presence of children at these parties has significantly increased, and the focus is on them, now!!!!!

                                 Which leads me to Evan!!!!  Of all the children  at the party, he stood out!  I am telling you, he is a cute little, blonde tow headed thing, and, honey he could end up on Wall Street someday.

                                   Evan's favorite expression seems to be, "It's mine!"  The first thing I saw him do was smash a playpen gate onto a peer, who was playing with a toy he wanted--just because they had it!!!!  Talk about ruthlessness!

                                   Over the hub of all the noise at this stunning social gathering, could be heard his doting yet anxious father, running throughout the apartment, calling "Evannnn!!!!!!!!!!!!" almost continually.

                                    What a precocious little thing!  He knows his priorities.  Spare me from contact with this one, once he reaches puberty!

                                       Evan must be a hit at Day Care.  However, I noticed there was one particular child he did not trifle with!!!!!  That was Audrey's own, adorable daughter, Ruby, so sweet looking you could cast her on the spot as Little Cosette in "Les Miserables," but, honey, this is Cosette with Attitude!!!!!  I frankly think Evan tried his routine on Ruby at Day Care, and she let him have it!!!!  I wouldn't be a bit surprised!  Hats off to you, Ruby!!!!!

                                       Other than that it was the loveliest of gatherings, what with Marina and her stunning hair,some refreshing cold pea and mint soup, luscious strawberry sangria--I guzzled that, darlings!!!--and several kinds of quiche--yellow squash (my favorite), corn, gruyeres  and pepper jack,  and, I think, tomato and mozarella.  Plus some salad, and a lovely birthday cake--red velvet, my fave!!!!--which had written on it Audrey's highly hilarious, and original, birthday theme--Bat Mitzvah, Plus 30!!!  Leave it to Audrey, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And special thanks to her lovely parents and sister, for keeping things organized, and flowing!!!!

                                      It was a perfect way to mark the year's halfway point.  Even with Evan!!!  But I would not worry about him too much, girls!!!  Little Ruby, and her cousin, Sylvia, will set him straight just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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