Sunday, July 1, 2012

Girls, This Was NO Cherry Ames!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Now, you all know how I just love the Investigation Discovery channel!!!!  Well, they've got this new program, called "Evil, I."  It is a play on words, suggesting a self-portrait, (because an actor in the killer's voice delivers the narration) and then the phrase "Evil Eye."

                           All week, they had been hawking this tale of a male nurse, who, apparently, had been doing in patients!!  At one point, I said to myself,  "I wonder if this is about that guy in Jersey, way back?' I could not recall his name.

                           Well, darlings, it turned out I was right!  It was, and his name was Charles Cullen!!!!!

                             What a far cry from, sweet wholesome, Cherry Ames!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Over a sixteen year period, at varying hospitals in Jersey and Pennsylvania, including Warren Hospital, in Philipsburg, and Somerset Hospital in Somerset, NJ (not far from where I grew up, lambs!!!!), this scum murdered allegedly between 40 or 400 (I am not kidding!!!!) patients.  He overdosed,
overmedicated, or gave incorrect  meds, in a sick effort to exert some control over his life, and, in his twisted brain, save these people from their suffering.  Call it a God complex, except there was no mercy here, lambs; many of them died uncomfortable, painful deaths!!!!

                             What's more, he suffered from a lifelong history of depression, and suicidal tendencies, (his first attempt was at 9, drinking chemicals from a chemistry set!!!!!) and, when he didn't feel like killing himself, or maybe, to stave off those feelings, he killed others, instead!!!!!!  Nice, huh????  Too bad this
creep did not succeed on his own behalf!!!!!!!!!

                               It might have saved countless lives.  Cullen jumped from place to place, managing to leave just in time, once deaths and suspicions started piling up!!!!  On he went to the next place, and the next!!!!!!!!  Eventually, one place caught on, and, once data was sent to a poison control center, the secret was out!!!!!!

                               Charles Cullen was arrested on December 12, 2003, and will spend the rest of his sick life incarcerated.  Maybe he will do himself in, but far, no go!!!!

                                I know what you are thinking, girls--"Misery," by Stephen King.  Well, this all took place after King and Kathy Bates created Annie Wilkes, so Cullen cannot be credited for being the basis for Annie!!!!!  That distinction goes to Genane Jones, a pediatric nurse, who, over the course of the 70's and 80's was said to have murdered between 11 and up to 50 infants, in her care.  All for the same sick, similar reasons as Cullen and Annie!!!!!!!!  Like Cullen, she, too is incarcerated, and very likely will be for life!!!!!

                               It's enough to make one  become a Christian Scientist, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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