Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy July, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Can you believe that it is already July 1???????  That we are clearly halfway through 2012????????   Seems like yesterday, being huddled on a cold Winter's  night, in front of the set, toasting
the year in!!!!   Now, we are coming up on the Fourth Of July!!!!!!

                          Which is midweek, girls; so, unless you planned for more time in advance, you are screwed, as far as getting more than just one day off!  I know I am!!!!!!!!!

                            The years go faster as we age!!!!!!!!!  One day it seems like adolescence will never end, the next, it's Middle Age and summer!!!!  So, here is to a Happy July, and fireworks for everyone, whether  in the sky, or elsewhere, dolls, if you know what I mean!!!!!!!


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