Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Girls, Do NOT Do Business With This Woman!!!!!!!!!!!

Madame Thernardier eats kitty litter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It makes for great copy, doesn't it, darlings??????? Actually, this is less about Madame Thernardier of "Les Miserables," and more about a real person, as ugly and evil in their own way as Madame Thernardier, who trolls the streets of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me explain. Sunday before last, Monsieur and I were walking the main thoroughfare--along Third  Avenue, around 86th Street--  when we stopped to stand beneath a blue awning, on what I think was the west side of 86th, just past the intersection at Third.    Suddenly, he pointed to the window above us,  and motioned me to look.  To my horror, I saw a name, a sign, and a bogus claim, that struck me with horror and hatred!!!!!!!!!!

Despina Poulakakos, Licensed Real Estate Broker!!!!!!!!!

Despicable Despina, as I still call her, was and still is the landlady over at the apartment building I first frequented, when living in the nabe, from 1983 until 1997!!!!!!!!!!  You all heard about her in my November 28, 2010 post,  "Carry Me Back To Old Bay Ridge."

A licensed real estate broker!!!!!!!  Hah!!!!!!!!!   More like a handmaiden!!!!!! She claims to live on a rather impressive looking dwelling off of Ridge Boulevard in the 80s, but let me tell you that is just the address she gives out, because she probably just works there, as a servant!!!!!!!  She very likely lives in a cardboard shack by the bay, where she does her employers' laundry, by washing it in the bay, and beating it on the rocks!!!!  Beat it, you old bitch!!!!!!!!  She is not fit for much, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!

So, I am warning all my girls, not to give her any business, let alone the time of day!  Because she will scam you, sure as I am gay!!!!!! She has no sense of class, and has no idea how decent people live,and should live, so if you work with her, she will have you living in a slum, because that is all she thinks people deserve, and that is all she understands, about refinement!!!!!!!!


However, that does not mean I am telling you not to go to the firm--86tth Realty Ltd.  There is another woman there, whose name I cannot recall, but, next to Despicable Despina's name plate, features plaques of awards and citations the other woman has won. So, if you must go here, darlings, do business with her, not this disgusting creature!!!!!!!!

Here is how disgusting she is!!!!!!!  She keeps a bag of kitty litter under her desk, along
with a kitty litter box. Probably sits her fat self down on her desk, barefoot, with her feet in the
litter box!!!!!! Then, when she needs to take a break, she eats the kitty litter!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you honestly want to do business with  someone who is addicted to kitty litter??????  Maybe she will turn up on "My Strange Addiction!!!!!"  Now, that would be something!!!!!!!!!!!

The best business you can give Despina is NONE!!!!!!!!  Forget a Ponsee scheme!!!!!!!
Drive this shrew out of business, and out of the neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!

Down With Despina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. This seems like idiotic rage towards your former landlord who is a millionaire. Sorry she's rich, and you keep fantasizing that she is not.

  2. This seems like idiotic rage towards your former landlord who is a millionaire. Sorry she's rich, and you keep fantasizing that she is not.

  3. This seems like idiotic rage towards your former landlord who is a millionaire. Sorry she's rich, and you keep fantasizing that she is not.


  4. Jack,
    Have no idea why the comment posted
    three times. Sometimes that happens.

    The woman was a slum lord. She may
    have been wealthier than me--by the
    house she lived in and all--but that
    does not excuse her behavior which
    is strictly low class trash.

    Funny thing is, fate played a game--
    I left the neighborhood for 15 years,
    then ended up back in it.

    I got the last laugh on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
