Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"First, You Get Down On Your Knees/Fiddle With Your Rosaries!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Last Easter, darlings, at the conclusion of my annual screening of "The Song Of  Bernadette," as I wiped copious tears from my eyes, my beloved Monsieur turned to me and said, "You crazy Catholics."

                                     Honey, with all the theatrics attendant to Catholicism, both past and present, I have to accept there is a certain screwball element. But, now that I am about one third through Victor Hugo's masterwork epic, "Les Miserables," I am not only convinced of it, but wonder, why does so much of it tend to come out of France????????    I mean, just listen to this!!!!!!!!

                                       At the point I am at in the story, Jean Valjean, and little Cosette are seeking shelter in a convent.  The nuns there practice something called Perpetual Adoration, which, on one  hand, as a Christian humanitarian, like Sister Peg, I am just dying to practice.  On the other hand, when would I find the time????????

                                         What this consists of is entering a church at either 4PM or 4AM. The hour is very specific. You kneel before a statue of the Virgin, and stare at it in meditation and prayer, for as long as you can, till your body gives out. When it does, you stretch yourself out on the floor to do this, arms outstretched, so that you are shaped like a crucifix. When your body adjusts, you assume the kneeling position again.

                                             And so on, for the next twelve hours!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Actually, this reminds me of what happened when I accidentally and naively attended a Hot Yoga class!!!!!!!!  I should get  penitential points for the suffering I did, there!!!!!!

                                             Sometimes, I wish we were back in these days, which sound exciting, instead of what we have come to, which is throwing kisses at the Nativity once a year at Christmas, while contemplating what we are going to have for dinner.

                                                But, then, it would not take long for my body to give out, darlings!!!!!!!  And me awake at 4AM????   I cannot even recall the last time that happened!!!!!

                                                   The things one can learn from "Les Miserables!!!!!!!!"  You can bet this will NOT be in the film version of the musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      But, don't let me stop you,  loves!!!!!!!!  You can begin your own person Perpetual Adoration, in just one hour and fifteen minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Personally, I prefer the British custom of 4PM as teatime!!!!!!!!

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