Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, I Would Not For One Minute Trust This Elizabeth Hawes!!!!!!!!!

                             Would you believe the woman pictured above had aspirations of being an actress???? Trouble is, Elizabeth and the Hawes family would give the dynasties from "The Little Foxes" and "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" a run for their money.  When she and brother Andrew found out that eldest sibling, Ed, was cooking the books in his favor, the two siblings plotted a murder. Ed was shot with a crossbow, stabbed, then run over with a car!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Elizabeth drove the remains to a vacant lot the family owned, and, dressed as a witch, and staring catatonically into the fire, like Abagail in "The Crucible," she set the remains of Ed aflame!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Good thing this brother-sister act was hauled off to the slammer! They were NOT The Carpenters, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Mother Dee was one cool customer, too!  She shed nary a tear over the death of her eldest. While the poor patriarch lived in a constant state of drepression, and the esnuing family scandal drove him to suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Nice family, the Hawses!!!!!!!  If they invite you to a barbecue, turn down that invitation!!!!!!!!!

                                            Because you just might be the main course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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