Saturday, July 14, 2012

Girls, I Could Not Go Without Mentioning Another Terrific Eating Spot!!!!!!!!!

                                 My beloved Monsieur and I first dined at Nature's Grill, not far from our digs in Bay Ridge, back on Gay Pride Day, which was interesting, in that there were a couple of young things at the table in front of us, who had obviously been to Manhattan and back, and were discussing the parade!!!!!!!!!!  Ah youth!!!!!!!!! What was it Blanche Du Bois said about them making the discovery of  love, as though no one had ever discovered it before???????

                                    So, this week, when my intellectually brilliant, and stunning, not to mention fabulous, former colleague, Christine, was coming to town, and mentioned being partial to veggie oriented places, we thought immediately of this spot!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, as far as health food places go, I am not fond; at the Village Natural on Greenwich Avenue, years back, I even got sick!!!!!!!  Yes, darlings, that is right!!!!!!!  Sick at a health food restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      However, Nature's Grill is so disarming, the food and drinks so abundant and flavorful, that I can recommend it, without impunity!!!!!!!! Christine just loved it, and as we chatted the evening away, ears must have been burning!!!!!!!! And not just those of Proust or Van Gough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Nature's Grill is so good I could recommend it on its own!!!!!!!  I might even go there myself!!!!!!!!!!!  But be forewarned--this place is popular; I have always been lucky getting in here! But, then, I AM The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Here is to your health, darlings!!!!!  Who says good eating has to be bland?????????????

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