Saturday, July 14, 2012

Now, Darlings, You Don't Think I Was Going To Let You Forget About This????????

                        I mean, the fact that yesterday was Friday, The 13th!!!!!!!!!!!  And you know that day is never complete, without mentioning that Mother of all Mothers, Mrs. Pamela Voorhees, immortalized on screen by Betsy Palmer, pictured above.

                          I am telling you, if that Claudette had not lured Barry off to the woods for some nookie, Jason Voorhees would never have drowned.  And if Barry had not lured Claudette to the top of the shed on that fateful summer night in 1958, I would not be discussing this with you now.

                           But you can tell that Mrs. Voorhees really has it in for Claudette!!!! She just rapidly dispatches Barry on site in the opening sequence, but then spends several minutes playing around, allowing Claudette to think she is going to get out of this one, then...WHAM!!!!!!  Bye, bye, Claudette!!!!!!!!!!   It is clear who Mrs. Voorhees truly blames Jason's death on!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Yesterday found Monsieur and I both off.  And how did we spend our day of relaxation????? Would you believe at the New York Division of Motor Vehicles, on 34th Street, where I got my Non-Driver's Licence??????

                              Talk about "Waiting For Godot!"  This was worse!!!!!!!!! I bought my copy of "Les Miserables," and spent so much time standing in line (over 2 hours!!!!!!) that, from that and the subway ride in, I polished off a good chunk of the text!!!!!!!  Good thing we got there early, before 10 AM, because I pity the poor souls who just sort of drift in in the middle of the afternoon!!!   But standing in line for so long, at my tender years, girls, can be hard on the legs and the spine.  Even though the entire cast of "A Chorus Line" is on their feet virtually the entire time they are onstage, I do not think they stand in line in place for longer than 15 minutes, if that.  But, then, I have yet to do the show. When I do, I will tell you, for sure!!!!!!!!!

                                   And what a motley crew!!!!!!!!!!!  The people in line looked like extras from a production of Maxim Gorky's "The Lower Depths," while I had my picture taken by this elderly guy, who looked like Graham Jarvis as Charlie Haggers on 'Mary Hartman', and, I am sure,  lives somewhere in Queens with his wheelchair bound, incontinent mother, and has prostate problems, himself!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The wait was worth it, and the mission accomplished, but, darlings I was SO exhausted!!!!!!!!!! I had to recline when I got home, and after the nice lunch Monsieur made, both of us sacked out!!!!!!!!!  I don't even think we had dinner!!!!!!!!!!  And I dozed off, watching some of my serial killers on Investigation Discovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     It was a memorable Friday The 13th, if not the most relaxing!!!!!!!!!

                                     "Kill her, Mommy! Kill her!"

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