Saturday, July 14, 2012

Guess Who Is In Town, Darlings?????? But Where Are They Staying???????

                               Yes, girls, both Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Adams are in town, involved in two very different theater projects. They will be making their New York stage debuts very soon, but I have not a clue as to where either one is staying, or whom is doing their hair, or where they go to have it  done.  I know all my girls want to know these important pieces of information, and so do I.  I mean, if I knew where Jake or Amy were staying, I would arrange some kind of luncheon with them, so I could report to my girls on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Amy, of course, is going to be showcased as the Baker's Wife in what is THE theatrical event in New York this Summer--the outdoor revival of Stephen Sondheim's "Into The Woods," at the famed Delacorte Theatre.   She is going to be backed up by the likes of Denis O'Haire and Donna Murphy, so this is going to be show hard to get into--just like when "Hair' was done at the same place several years back!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Jake will be indoors, at Off Broadway's Laura Perls Theatre in Nick Payne's play, "If There Is, I Haven't Found It, Yet."  That wonderful actor, Brian F. O'Byrne, will also be featured in this, but Jake will be playing the role of ne'er do well Uncle Terry in this family drama.  Sounds similar to the role he played in that film with Tobey Maguire, "Brothers."  Well, let me tell you, no one is as good as Jake when he is bad!!!!!!!!!!  And with those killer eyes, wavy hair and megawatt smile, how could anyone think badly of  him, whatever he plays???????   You can bet queens, and quite a few straight women, will be flocking to this one, to see Jake ignite the stage.  Maybe on nights when they cannot get in to "Into The Woods."  Only, I would not be surprised, if with Jake and Brian, this becomes a tough ticket as well!!!!!!!!!
But what excitement for the summer!!!!!!!!!!  Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal, both in town and onstage at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Who knows?  Maybe Jake is staying--for free--over in Park Slope, at sister Maggie's!!!!!!!!  Though with husband Peter Sarsgaard, and two young children, that could be one crowded household, brownstone or not!!!!!!!!!!!  I am sure there are plenty of my girls out there willing to open their homes to Jake!!!!!!!!  I say, go ahead, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Meanwhile, what of Amy?????????  I am sure plenty want to open their homes to her, too!!!!!!!!!  However, if Amy is not staying with MERYL, I am sure MERYL had a hand in finding Amy a place to stay!!!!!!!!!!! So, you know it will be the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So, all you celebrity gawkers, keep your eyes peeled this Summer!!!!!!!

                                             My eyes are all on you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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