Monday, July 9, 2012

Girls, This Could Very Well Be Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Take a close look at the above, photo, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Many of you out
there know that is not only Gloria Swanson standing in the rubble of what was once New York's Roxy Theatre, but that this photo inspired one of my favorite musicals of all time--and a favorite of many--Stephen Sondheim's "Follies."

                                    Well, it looks like there might come a time, in the very near future, where that shot could be re framed, with moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Yesterday, I heard, over the news on New York 1, that it may be
curtains for New York's famed Ziegfeld Theatre.  Not only have I seen some Big Screen Classics there--"Gone With The Wind," "The Sound Of Music," "Funny Girl", among others--but it is where the original production of "Brigadoon" opened on Broadway in 1947.

                                           This could truly be the Death Knell for Big Screen Classic Epics, even the memories of seeing them, many of them in revival.  And, if it is, darlings, and they raze it to the ground, you can be sure that I will repeat Gloria's stunt, since the Ziegfeld was a theater (albeit movie) of my era.

                                              What have we come to, darlings, that we have arrived at the decimation of culture?????????????

                                                  Dolly Levi pointed out how one cannot really snuggle up to a cash register!!!!!!!  Well, you cannot snuggle up to a laptop, either, you techno geeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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