Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sweeties, I Cannot Tell You Much More About Tom and Katie!!!!!!!!!!

                                     One trouble with being the Raving Queen, darlings, is I am expected to know everything about everyone!  Not that I don't do my best, but in the face of the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes brouhaha, it has reached monumental proportions!!!!!!  I mean, people are  actually stopping me on the street, or the subway, asking what I know about Tom and Katie!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Let me say.  I know as much as you.  I know that they have arrived at some kind of settlement and that Suri will be OK.  No, I have not talked to either one.  In the first place, I would never talk to that nut, Tom Cruise.  Even when he was a young thing,  prancing around in his tightey whiteys in "Risky Business," I thought Rebecca De Mornay had more talent. And that weepy scene in "Magnolia??????"  Puh-leeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!!!  I have seen better crying over a kitchen sink, while cooking with onions!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         As for Katie, she has enough to do.  She may be in town, but I haven't had a chance to call her, nor she me.  I mean, I want to have lunch ant Nobu, so I can report to all my girls not only what is going on, but what Katie's acting plans  are, because, now that she is free, and, after her raves for her one scene role in the "All My Sons" revival, you can bet she is going to
return to either stage or screen shortly. And since has planted roots in town, the stage looks like it may be the venue of choice.

                                          But all I can do is make the most educated of guesses.  So, please do not accost me on the street, with inquiries.  As soon as I have something, you will hear it on here!!!!!!

                                             Meanwhile, I am available right now, for stage work, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

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