Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hey, Baayork!!!!!!!!!! I'm Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Oh, my God, darlings, I have the most exciting theatrical news.  From October 3 thru October 28th of this year, the Paper Mill Playhouse in Milburn, New Jersey, is kicking off its
2012-2013 season with that high-kicking classic, "A Chorus Line!!!!!!!!!"  Which they last did, back in 2001!!!!!!!!!   You know, I am going to be there, darlings, and I want to see all my girls there!!!!!!!!!  Maybe even Donna, Kelly, Priscilla, or Sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Or maybe, just maybe, I could be up there, doing it!  Not that I want to be too choosy--hell, of course I want to play Cassie, but I am also ready to go as either Sheila, Mark, or Val!!!!!!!!  All I need is some refresher, and I need to master those two moments in 'Hello, Twelve,Hello Thirteen' that amaze me every time.  The first is when everyone is up against the upstage wall, shaking back and forth--just how is that done??? I mean, position, speed, technique???  The second is that moment, when everyone seems to be moping all over the stage, then they sort of pirouette (for want of a better word) into the "Gimme The Ball" segment.
Takes my breath away, every time, and I have always wanted to learn these!!!!!!!!!

                           So, come on Baayork!!!!!!!!  I am ready, willing and waiting!!!!!!!!! Diet, exercise, you name it, in order to do this show I will put myself to the limit.  I will do it all for you..and ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Give me a chance to come through, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And see you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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