Friday, July 6, 2012

Good God, Darlings!!!!!!!! Is This Guy Liberace's Newphew, Or Something???????

                                 The first time I got a look at Christopher Mason on "Behind Mansion Walls," I said to myself, "Hot tamale!  This is for the zoo!"  Honey, this flamer is more flaming than a flambe!!!!!!!

                                  And this is coming from someone, whom you know, girls,  knows something about flamboyance, himself!!!!!!!!!  I have to admire Chirs' color coordination, but when he opened his mouth, oh my God!!!!!!!!!!! 

                                   Monsieur asked me if he could have been one of James Mason's kids.
"You mean, the actor?" I asked. Actually, there is a sort of resemblance, both in look, manner and vocal cadence.  But I think poor James Mason would be rolling in his grave, if such were the case!!!!!

                                    I am telling you, next to him, this guy makes me look butch!!!!! At least I might get through the door at The Eagle!  This guy would only make it through Lane Bryant!!!!!!!!

                                     Maybe if he voice wasn't so......faggy, darlings!  I mean, is he for real, or is this a put-on?????  I have seen a photo of him and this guy, Matthew Rice, whom, I imagine is his partner, so good for them.  Maybe they can do double duty teaching deportment at Miss Porter's!!!!!  Even if their fashion sense borders on the garish!!!!!!!! And you are talking to someone who likes bright colors.

                                        You can see Chris in action on Investigation Discovery's "Behind Mansion Walls," which campily explores murder among the upper-crust.  It is no "Laura," so don't get your hopes up!  And I think what Mason is aspiring to with this format is to be the next Dominick Dunne.

                                           Except he lacks Dunne's class, bearing, and most of all, scintillating prose style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            All he needs is a candelabra, and he could double for Liberace!!!!!
With Harvey Fierstein, playing his mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Listen, hon, why don't you go to the outhouse
    adjacent to your tar paper shack, and sing
    "When Your Turd Looks Like A Half Grown Penis?"
