Friday, July 6, 2012

Thank God, Girls, Katie Has Finally Come To Her Senses!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Katie Holmes was never a bad actress, darlings!!!!!!! Not that she was Meryl, but she was quite promising in the Toby Maguire film, "Wonder Boys," and she just about walked off with the show in her one scene appearance in the recent revival of Arthur Muller's "All My Sons," which also starred Patrick Wilson.  Despite Patrick being an eyeful on stage--and when isn't he, girls???--the talk of the town was Katie and her performance in this one scene.

                                     Which made me wonder even then if she was rethinking things.

                                     I can still recall the disgusting way Mr. Cruise carried on like an over aged adolescent on one of the talk shows--was it Rosie?  Oprah?--before they were married.  I knew from this moment things were not going to last.

                                       Well, after five years, (and I am surprised things lasted that long!!!!)  Katie has said goodbye to Cruise, Scientology, and has moved to Chelsea in New York, so look for her to turn up in something on stage eventually, or maybe even a "Law And Order SVU".  Look how well Jennifer Love Hewitt did on that show!!!!!!!!!

                                         Katie is no fool. The settlement will be considerable, and I have to wonder if some part of her did this because of that.  Meaning she knew the marriage would not last forever, but it would enable her to live independently.  You have to wonder.  Not that I blame Katie one bit!!!!!!!!  Living with Tom Cruise could not have been easy!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Frankly, I think she and Nicole should dine in town, for some girl talk!  Nicole is probably congratulating Katie right now, and Lord knows, could give her lots of pointers!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I have two pointers for Katie!  Make sure you get full custody of Suri, and stay away from that NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                And, girls, just because Tom is now on the market, don't even THINK of going near him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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