Thursday, July 26, 2012

"High On A Hill Was A Lonely Goatherd!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                        Talk about life imitating art, darlings!!!!!!!!!  In what looks like an outtake from
"The Sound Of Music," we have, out in Utah, Goat Man, climbing ev'ry mountain!!!!!!!  Till he finds his dream, you better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          But just what is that dream, I wonder??????  In the wake of the "Batman" massacre, does he want to join the pantheon of Superheroes????? After all we have had--Superman, Batman, Plastic Man, Hawkman, Iron Man, Ant Man, Giant Man, Aquaman, and,of course, The Amazing Spider Man!!!!!!!!!!!  So maybe Goat Man wants to join this herd!!!!!!
What might his super power????? Chomping through tin cans????????  Dispensing milk to lactose intolerant infants at local hospitals???????  The possibilities are unlimited.

                         Getting back to theatrics, I don't think  this is some disgruntled Theater Queen, acting out some "Sound Of  Music" fantasy.  If it were, there is no question he would be dressed as either a nun or one of the Von Trapp Children.  Or maybe the Baroness.

                            What is more disturbing is that maybe he has issues with bestiality, like the husband played by Bill Pullman  in Edward Albee's play, "The Goat, Or Who Is Sylvia?" and is acting on that fantasy.  Maybe he feels his best chance to meet a goat partner is to dress like one.
He sure won't find one at Date Bait!!!!!!!  Old Goats, yes, but the human kind!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Girls, you just cannot make this shit up!!!!!!!!!  Perhaps he is after his own reality show!!!!!!!!  Or maybe aspires to be transformed into a Musical--remember what a hit "Bat Boy" was??????????  Let's just hope Goat Man makes his way to New York, because if he hits Manhattan, he is obligated to go to Bergodorf's and have Ariette trim his goatee!!!!!!!!!

                                 "Lusty And Clear From The Goatherd's Throat Heard," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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