Thursday, July 26, 2012

Darlings, I Remember When He Was Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               They are dropping like flies, girls, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Television used to be so titillating.  Back in the early 70's, during my high school years, and disregarding homework or play practice, there were two prime time shows at the time I just did NOT miss.  On Monday nights, it was "Medical Center" CBS, 8PM, with Chad Everett as Doctor Joe Gannon, and James Daly.  Then, on Tuesday, there was "Marcus Welby, MD," on ABC, at 10PM, with Robert Young in the title role, and tall, handsome, motorcycle riding James Brolin as his young, assistant, Dr. Steven Kiley.  Not to mention Elena Verdugo, as receptionist factotum, Consuelo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, personally, my taste always ran to James Brolin as Steven Kiley!!!! And even today, he is not a bad looking specimen. But I guarantee--with almost twenty years under his belt  with La Strident, he must be wasted, but good!!!!!!!  But he is STILL nice to look at, and I would not mind if he did a few more Amoco commercials!!!!!!!!! But does he have to?????? Hell, no!!!!!!!!!!!   And while his son, Josh, is no slouch in the acting or looks department, when it comes to the latter, Daddy still comes out on top!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Which doesn't mean I did not give Chad Everett a second--or even third--glance!!!!!!!! I most certainly did.  What was greatest about these shows, in addition to all this male pulchritude, was watching them with my mother, who had been a Registered Nurse, and, though she had been out of the field for close to twenty years by that time, there was not a medical term or ailment that came up that, if I did not know, I could ask her, and she would automatically rattle off what it was!!!!!!!!!!!!  This helped enormously during my sophomore year, when I was taking Biology.  Not to mention it told me that, at least in Biology, I was not going on to Advanced Placement!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, it is sad to contemplate the passing of Chad Everett, the latest casualty in what has come to be what I call the Summer Celebrity Contagion Of 2012!!!!!!!!  Haven't we had enough???????? And we are only halfway through the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I know many of my girls out there melted at the sight of Chad.  Just as some, like me, melted for James.  Chad will always be remembered as a part of our lives--my partner actually said he was his first crush!!!!!!!!!  Isn't that cute??????? And I am sure there are many out there who share that sentiment.  Alas, this just shows our age, or at least the fact that I was older. My first crush, darlings, was David Jansen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Chad, you were so handsome that many were willing to overlook you overt sexism, like when you said your wife was your "property."  I know many guys out there who would like to have been Chad's property, or to have made him theirs.  Too bad you never pursued the gay S and M scene, Chad, dear!!!!!!!!  What an awakening for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Alas, Chad has left all scenes, altogether!!!!!!!!!! He will be missed!!!!!!

                                               Rest In Peace, Dr. Joe Gannon!!!!!!!!!!!


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