Thursday, July 12, 2012

"I Turn My Back On You!"

                          The first thing I want to say, girls is, "Oh, honey, get OVER it!!!!"

                           That remark is directed at the man pictured above, who happens to be this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  He is none other than Brooklyn
political candidate, currently making the rounds of Bay Ridge, Marty Golden!  From what it seems, Marty has been at the political scene a long time. He doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, and I can well understand why.

                            First, take a look at this statement, a quote from him, mentioned above.  What a sexist pig!!!!!!!!!!  That is enough right there.

                              But the second point, and the reason he really wins this week's prize, is something that happened between my Monsieur and he several weeks ago.

                                Here we were, new to the nabe, and David especially new, never having even lived in Bay Ridge before.  I was not with him, at the time, but Marty was making his presence known at a local subway stop, which David was  passing through, on his way to work.  Being the social and political type that he is, he stopped to chat with Marty.  Things went fine, until Marty was casually asked, "What do you think of gay marriage!"

                                   Then, in true Tallulah Bankhead fashion, he gestured, uttered those words above, and proceeded to ignore David, while his aide said "Have a nice day!" (Yeah, fuck you!!!!!!)

                                     Hey, Marty, just what kind of a politico are you????  OK, you may be against gay marriage, but someone with skill might say something a bit more diplomatic,  like, "Uhm...that does not fit into my platform," or words to that effect.  The kind of theatrics he pulled makes me wonder if he is some kind of closet queen, himself!!! Again, how Tallulah!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe he has panties hidden in the bottom of his dresser drawer that he secretly wears!!!!!!!! Bet they are Depends!!!!!!!!!

                                     One thing Marty will not have to worry about, thanks to that comment, and now being named Bitch Of The Week, is getting our vote!  Hell, after this blog, he won't have to worry about getting the Gay vote!!!!!!!!! He'll lose big time!!!!!!!!! 

                                       So, here is to Marty Golden! He may not be the brightest bulb in the forest, but one of the bitchiest!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, as Sharon Tate said in the screen classic, "Valley Of The Dolls, "You know how bitchy fags can be!"

                                          Right, Marty???????????????????????????

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