Thursday, July 12, 2012

Girls, This Is One House Guest You Simply Cannot Get Rid Of!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  "I have a surprise for you," Monsieur said, when I got off the subway, and met him in front of the laundromat.  I thought, how nice.  He is always so loving and thoughtful, as I do my best to be the same for him, so I looked forward to the forthcoming surprise.  Naturally, I thought it might be a book, or foodstuffs, or a CD, something along the lines of what I am interested in.

                                    When I turned the key in the door, with him behind me, and walked into the foyer, and turned on the light, I let out a scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      There, standing on the settee to the right, in the foyer, was a cement statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary!!!!!!!!  It had to be about two to three feet high!!!!!!!!  I could not believe it.

                                          It seems Monsieur was walking along 77th Street, and going towards Fourth Avenue, when he passed a house, with stuff being thrown out in front, and saw the statue lying there. Now, the first thing I want to know is-who throws out a Virgin Mary statue??? I mean, that is just bad karma!!!!!!!!  The second thing is, it was pretty heavy, which means Monsieur carried it himself all the way to our apartment which is a good, long two blocks from there.  Maybe three. No wonder he did not want to cook dinner!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Can you believe  it??????  A lovely, white designer kitchen table, and the BVM!!!!!!!!!!!  Not to mention  the "Song Of Bernadette" poster.  Just wait till we have the housewarming--our residence will be the talk of the town. Maybe I'll do an interview or reality show from there!!!!!!!!!

                                              But I am telling you, girls, I have to think twice, with Mary in the house!!!!!!!!!! If my language goes above PG, I have to apologize!!!!!!!!!!!  Forget about missing Mass now; if I do, I will probably be struck by lightning in my own apartment!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Of course, now I am free to do those twelve hours of Perpetual Adoration, that I told you about, from "Les Miserables."  Again, if I had the time!!!!!!!!!!!  David was insistent; "If you want to get rid of it, you can."  But frankly, I love it!!! I love the artistry, it isn't like I do not  have other statues in the house--like my own personal November Angel, which I have had since infancy!!!!!!!!  And we don't have a front yard, to put Her out on, so what else can you do!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Besides, you just don't say no to THIS Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Just ask Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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