Thursday, August 9, 2012

And, Now, Presenting.............The Return Of Frantique!!!!!!!!!!

                              Which is not quite like "The Return Of The Vampire," with Bela Lugosi, darlings, but almost!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Imagine my fright when I arose this morning, went to the computer, checked the "Song Of Bernadette" message board on IMDB, and found a response by someone calling themselves "FrantiqueRidesAgain!!!!!!!!!"  This is clearly my cinema adversary, Frantique Fromage, who has been away for a long, long, I think an asylum in the Swiss alps, where he probably tried to jump off a cliff, like the deranged nun in the 1947 film, "Black Narcissus."

                                My beloved Monsieur was thrilled, for, as he said, I at last now  have a "worthy adversary," and we both had been concerned for poor Frantique, who had been in hiding--I mean, rehab--for quite some time.

                                 Frantique has lost none of her form (though she is a he!!!!!!!) I can tell you, what with knocking Loretta Young, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jennifer Jones' films in almost one fell swoop!!!!!!!  Maybe he needs to see a REAL bad nun movie, like Mary Tyler Moore in "Change Of Habit."  Quite possibly the worst, and long before Mary redeemed herself with the TV show, and "Ordinary People."

                                  What can I say to Frantique but........welcome back??????????????  Perhaps I can offer her some beauty salon tips!!!!!!!!! After all that time shut up, she will need them!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Maybe a hair appointment with Ariette, at Bergdorf's!!!!!!!  And a back waxing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Change of Habit DOES have some great lines though. Like when "Doctor" Presley tells the welfare mom that her daughter Amanda is autistic. The mom replies "Artistic?? She never even picks up a crayon!".

  2. Congratulations! Have never met anyone who has actually seen "Change Of Habit." That line is priceless!

    Have always wanted to see that, and that other Moore film, "What's So Bad About Feeling Good?," about a "Happiness Virus" sweeping through NYC!!!!!! And Thelma Ritter's last film!
