Thursday, August 9, 2012

Heaven Help Us, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Well, girls, tonight the curtain goes up on the Delacorte's "Into The Woods." I want to wish everyone luck--especially Amy Adams, Denis O'Hare, Jessica Mueller, Donna Murphy and others, but the sad fact is, I think they are going to need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Have you seen what Emily Rebholz, that costume designer, has done to Little Red Riding Hood??????  Put her in some ersatz red thing with a motorcycle helmet on her head, that makes her look like Ellen Page in an outtake from "Juno!!!!!!!!!!!"  Is this the world of fairy tales, which is supposed to allure us???????????

                               Alas, no. So, a production, for which I had the highest expectations, knowing the score, as I do, and seeing that paper perfect cast listed, may be the theatrical disappointment of the Summer.  We will find out tomorrow, kiddies, in the New York Times!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I have the  feeling this is one "Into The Woods" that will NOT be getting a Cast Recording!!!!!!!!

                                 My fear is that, like the song says, it might be........."Agony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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