Monday, August 27, 2012

Cookin' Daddy's Johnson, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, girls, let me explain!  The idea and thought is certainly not appetizing, but I am telling you, you have just GOT to hear this!!!!!!!!!  And, second, that is REAL beef steak, sizzling in the frying pan.  It is standing in for........well, lambs, as you know, I may be outrageous, but, trust me, there are some lengths to which even I will not go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Poor Brigitte and Carlee Harris!!!!!!!  It was tough enough having to grow up in Staten Island, but even tougher with a scumbag sex abuser for a father.  Brigitte got the most of it, but
Carlee got her share.

                                       But you have to give Brigitte credit.  She somehow survived this, outgrew Daddy's interest, and went on her own, working as an airport security guard. Pretty good for someone with such a traumatic past!  In the meantime, Carlee was on Staten Island, raising two young daughters.

                                         Well, chickens come home to roost, darlings, and in 2007 the Harris family came in for some confrontation.  Eric Goodridge, the abusive Daddy, was visiting Carlee and her daughters in the year 2007.  On a visit over there, Brigitte noticed Eric showing more than a familiar interest in Carlee's daughters, which their mother chose to deny. But Brigitte could not forget.  And when she heard that he intended to take them on a trip with him to visit relations in Lebanon, she had his number, good, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!  And she decided to do something about it.

                                           Now, to this day, she maintains she did not intend to kill him--just physically maim him!  Inviting Daddy over to her place, in Far Rockaway, she confronted him about the abuse, which he chose to deny.  That got Brigitte good and mad, so she knocked her father down, tied him up, stuffed a towel so far down his throat he ultimately suffocated, and then....having read about Lorena know where this is going, loves....she took a scissors, and went  snip!., only that did not remove the appendage, so she sliced it off with a knife!!!!!!!!!  Had the towel not been so far down his throat, leading to suffocation, Eric might have survived the mutilation and been restored with surgery.  But Brigitte was out for blood!!!!!!  She took that thing, tossed it into a frying pan, and cooked it on the stove!!!!!!  No, I do not know whether she used olive oil, garlic and onions....this was traumatic revenge, not the Food Channel!!!!!!!!!   And once the thing was cooked, she wrapped it up, and tossed it into the ocean!!!!!!!!!  Bye, bye, Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Brigitte was found guilty of second degree  manslaughter on  September 30, 2009. She did her time, and was just released two weeks ago, on August 13. I don't know what she will do now, but I am telling you, darlings, do not take any barbecue from her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  You just can't be sure of what you will be eating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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