Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh, My God, Darlings!!!!!!!! When Gene Tierney Walks Down The Stairs, In The Black Gown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Girls, I am telling you, this moment alone is enough to see the 1946 film version of "The Razor's Edge!"

                                         This story has a cast of all-star proportions, and a story that pulls out all the stops!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Tyrone Power plays Larry Darrell, a middle class Chicagoan, who is traumatized by the death of a friend in the war (WWI), who sacrifices himself to save Larry.  Larry then embarks on a lifelong quest for spiritual fulfillment. Meanwhile, back in Chicago, the upper crust, headed by Elliot Templeton (Clifton Webb, playing a devout Catholic; honey can you believe it???? You better believe HE has seen "The Song Of Bernadette!!!") is enthralled with Larry, especially as he and Templeton's niece, Isabel Bradley, are in love, potentially engaged to be married.  Hovering around the fringes of their circle is a childhood friend of Larry's, Sophie Nelson (Anne Baxter, in what turns out to be her Oscar-winning performance!!!!!!!!!!!).

                                            Well, Larry goes off to the Himalayas, Isabel marries Larry's handsome, luggish, but wealthy and socially connected (which is what Isabel wants, darlings!!!!!!!!!) friend, Gray Maturin (John Payne), while Sophie hooks up with Bob MacDonald (played by Frank Lattimore).

                                                But Trouble comes a knocking.  Gray and Isabel lose their money in the stock market crash of 1929, and Isabel has to--oh, think of it!!!!!!--pawn her jewels!!!!!!!!  Not ME, honeys, NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!  Meanwhile Sophie, Bob and their baby daughter are in a terrible car accident; only Sophie survives, leading her on the most tragically downward trajectory since Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elliot, who has made a killing in the stock market, goes to Paris, takes in Isabel and Gray (not a bad situation for someone who is destitute!!!!!!!).  Gray, because of the loss of his money and pride, suffers a nervous breakdown, and chronic migraine headaches!!!!!!!!!  I know just how he feels, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Larry comes back into their lives.  He cures Gray of his headaches, and gets the man back onto his financial feet.  When they encounter Sophie, who has now descended to alcoholism, hanging out in opium dens, and promiscuity because of her inconsolable loss, Larry decides to marry her.  You have got to see the scene, girls, where Sophie is found in the opium den, and runs out into the rain... the last we see of her.  This is after Isabel, claiming her reform is temporary, proves it, by luring Sophie to her apartment, and tempting her with alcohol, which she ingests, and insures her final ruin.  Her body is found in a French river, with her throat having been cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Meanwhile, Uncle Elliot is dying, his last request being to be invited to this very high end party. He gets his wish, when Larry stops by and procures an invitation card from her assistant, played by Elsa Lanchester!!!!!!!! This scene is a riot!!!!!!!!!  Elsa walks away from her table, singing "On The Banks Of Loch Lomond," while Larry swipes a card!!!!!!!!! Sweeties, it is just TOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He gives the card to Elliot, who dies a devout Catholic, having been assured a high Mass and funeral, and a place in Heaven, having donated TONS of money to the Church!!!!!!!!   Who says money doesn't talk!????????????????

                                                        But Larry has had it with Isabel, the bitch, who has been pining for him the whole movie.  He confronts her with how he thinks she is responsible for Sophie's death (which, technically, she is!!!!!!!!) leaving her high, dry, and remorseless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          That Isabel Bradley is one piece of work!!!!!!!!!  A real ice Princess!!!!!!!!!!!  But she proves one thing!!!!!!!!!  If you are going to be a successful bitch, you have got to look like Gene Tierney, and have money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Which leaves me out of the running, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               But, then, really, who would DARE to call me a bitch??????????


  1. Hollywood during its Golden Era was affectionately called, "The Dream Factory" the staircase scene with Gene Tierney reveals that Hollywood was at its very peak in film making. The black fringed dress she wears was designed by her husband at the time Oleg Cassini.


  2. That gown was a marvel.
    And this story is tragi-romantic
    at its best! Sophie' scenes
    are disturbing and upsetting to me.
    I have read the book, too, and
    always wished she could have been

    Thanks for sharing!
