Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Darlings, Without Helen, There Would Not Have Been Anna!!!!!!

                                  No sooner do I get out of bed, girls, than I find that another one has dropped--talk about flies; I am telling you!!!!  Helen Gurley Brown, author of "Sex And The Single Girl" (remember the breezy and entertaining Natalie Wood movie of that name, back in 1964????) has left this world, leaving a legacy of glamour that paved the way for such as Anna Wintour!!!!!

                                   Yes, darlings, and I am sure Anna would agree, she would not be where she is, if not for Helen!!!!  I am sure the young Anna, when she was still a Brit chick, cut her teeth on Helen's book, not to mention the magazine Helen went on to create--Cosmopolitan--even while she was perusing "VOGUE," which I am sure, even then, she had every intention of running!!!!!

                                     Before Anna ruled  New York City, it was Helen!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who could forget the Cosmo centerfolds of Burt Reynolds, and John Davidson, back when they actually looked good; back when Davidson had all that hair on his head?????  In some ways, Helen even helped gay rights, for, it was after this, that a plethora of mags--like "Playgirl,"  featuring male nudity, exploded onto the market, making it as acceptable for burgeoning gays to look at unclothed men as much as straight women!!!!!!

                                      Helen was a trailblazer, and she never stopped.   She was certainly part of the Sixties Sexual Revolution, and when that toned down, she continued to reign as Mistress Of Glamour.  Until abdicating to Anna!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Now, she has gone to that well deserved Heavenly rest!!!!  Helen will be missed,
but the legacy she leaves behind will forever be remembered as the template it was!!!!!

                                         Rest In Peace, Helen Gurley Brown!  Honey, you made it to 90!!!!!!!!

                                          Let's all drink a Cosmopolitan, tonight, in her honor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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