Monday, August 13, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, She Is The Next One To Watch, On The Forefront Of Musical Theater!!!!!!!!!

                                       Now that I feel as fresh as Spring, darlings, I can now write about someone equally lovely, and fresh.  I am talking about Jessie Mueller, pictured above.

                                         You have heard me before on Jessie, darlings, so, lest you have forgotten, let me refresh you.

                                           Jessie Mueller was the young lady who, together with that enchanting young man named David Turner, salvaged the theatrical debacle that was the recent revival of "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever."  As I said at the time, so compelling were these two that, when the company took its bow, and I saw David and Jessie walk off together, holding hands, I saw--and I still stand by this--the two REAL stars of the show, tucking that show under their arms, and walking off with it!!!!!!!!!!!  Better than that Republican faux Sinatra wannabe, darlings; I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Jessie's efforts paid off well, earning her a Tony nomination as Best Featured Actress In A Musical, for her portrayal therein of Melissa Wells.  As it should have earned for David, but didn't!!!!!  And, though the show has been closed for nearly six months now, if you go on YouTube darlings,
look up Jessie, and catch her sampled rendering of "Ev'ry Night At Seven" (which is actually from the MGM
movie, "Royal Wedding", but was used in the revival of 'Clear Day,' which was not so much that show as a pastiche of other pastiches!!!!!!), and you will get an idea of how Jessie saved the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I mean, not since the days of Audra McDonald in "Carousel" (can you believe that was eighteen years ago, loves?????) has a performer knocked me out, like Jessie!!!!!!   Well, I have good news to report, lambs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Once again, Jessie Mueller is the Toast Of The Town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The word on the Street is that Jessie (and, I suppose, Donna Murphy!!!) are the ONLY reason(s) to see the much panned revival of "Into The Woods," now at the Delacorte.

                                                 I can tell you, Jessie is the ONLY reason I would go to see this, and all the good things I hear about the show concern her.

                                                   Like how it is only she--and Donna Murphy--who can actually sing the

                                                    Like how Amy Adams, in an interview, admitted to the above, saying she made sure she sat next to Jessie and Donna at rehearsals, as they were the only ones who knew what they were doing.  From Amy herself, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Like how some feel Amy, due to her performance in "Enchanted," and Jessie, who supposedly brings a wry archness to her Cinderella, should have switched parts.  And since the Baker's Wife (whom Amy plays) needs to have an archness--like Joanna Gleason, who still OWNS the role, darlings; you damn well better believe it!!!!!--that might not have been such a bad idea.

                                                        But, at least the show is fortunate enough to have Jessie!!!!   And, to see, to HEAR, her do Cinderella.  Oh, my God--that whole "I Wish" thing; that part where she goes, "Come, little birds/Down from the eaves/And the leaves/ And the fields/Over castles and ponds"--I am getting teary eyed just imagining it!!!!!! I would kill just to HEAR Jessie sing it!!!!!!!!!   I know, once Jessie starts making those sounds, there is a collected breath  held by everyone enraptured by her voice at the Delacorte--which is, of course, the Entire Audience!!!!!!

                                                            Make no mistake about it, loves--Jessie is the next Bright Light on the Musical Theater Horizon!!!!!  And the Idol and Role Model of Theater Queens Everywhere.

                                                             Remember how I waxed rhapsodic over David Turner's rendering of "What Did I Have?" in 'Clear Day'????  I still stand by that, girls, but, OH!!!, how I would love to hear Jessie sing it!!!!!!!   And how I--who learned to sing it as a child, by listening to Eydie Gorme--would love to sing it--and do it as a duet, with Jessie!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am telling you, we would sell out Marie's Crisis and The Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Honestly, it is a crying shame that I was not seen for "Into The Woods!"  If they wanted voices, darlings, they should have gone with me and other like minded sorts, who would Sell The Score that right now is only being sold by Jessie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               I cannot wait to see what Jessie does next!!!! Maybe a cabaret act?????????  A solo CD???????????  Her sky is the limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                If any of you out there are fortunate enough to see Jessie in this--tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, remember, you heard it first HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Finally--a new Musical Theater Icon, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               And just wait till I finally do Mama Rose in "Gypsy."  Maybe with Jessie, as Louise!!!!!   Oh, my God, can't you just hear her on "Little Lamb??????????"


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