Thursday, August 16, 2012

Girls, This Could Be The Next "Nightmare Next Door!!!!!!!"

                             What is the mystery of 76th Street in Bay Ridge?  Specifically that section of street, running between Ridge Boulevard and Third Avenue??????????

                                 Because, at two key residences--260 and 314--strange things have been seen of late.

                                  The first, number 314, is this lovely Victorian, with landscape to match, surrounded by a gate, that reminds me of New Orleans in the Garden District.  At the foot of the front yard, near the gate, to the left of its entry point, stands a statue of Mary. Yes, darlings, THAT Mary.  I always stop there, and say my prayers, before starting my day.

                                      I have no idea who or what is living there. A couple of times I have seen this big, burly guy--a real BEAR type, darlings!!!!!!!--doing gardening work. He cannot possibly be the owner, because, I am telling you, Bear types do not know from Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!  One day, a door opened, and out stepped this innocuous guy, who looked like he should be playing Elwood P. Dowd in "Harvey."  I am pretty sure he owns the residence, because I can tell this is a guy who knows his Mary!!!!!!!!!!  Unless the two are partners????????? Now, wouldn't THAT be something, loves????????????  It would have to mean that Mary approves!!!!!!!!!!!  You hear that, Mr. Pope?????????

                                      Now, up the street, at 260, since we moved in several months ago, Monsieur and I, walking to work, have always seen this friendly old man, who walks about his place, I am guessing for exercise.  On mornings when he does not appear, we wonder. About two weeks ago, those mornings went on and on.  And each morning we saw debris piled up in front of the yard, as though someone had been doing some kind of interior work.  Maybe his strapping grandosns, who, hopefully were the two toothsome young men in tanktops (the kind who SHOULD wear them!!!!!!) we spotted at the Lighthouse Cafe, on Sunday!!!!!!  They can come do work for me, anytime!!!!!!!!!! But no sign of the old man.

                                         A second floor remains open upstairs, dead center, and I swear, someone is looking out, like in "Burnt Offerings."  Maybe that is what is going on.  Yesterday we saw, in the distance, the old man opening his garage door, where he keeps a lot of cars!!!!!  Why???????    And this morning, a section of dirt suggested something had been dragged in the front yard!!!!!!!!!  Like a body??????????  And no sign of the old man today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now, I am not going to contact "Investigation Discovery," till I have more conclusive facts.  But something very strange is going on at these two houses on the street, and inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!  Without getting killed!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I will continue to report back to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But, if this does turn up on ID, remember, I told you, first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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