Friday, August 17, 2012

"Say, Mr. Producer--Yeah!!!!!!! I'm Talkin' To You, Sir!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Darlings, back in 1998, when "The Sound Of Music" was revived on Broadway, with Rebecca Luker, it was the event of the Season (I can still see in my mind the exquisite photo the New York Times used, to heighten  its review!!!!).  Even though I did not like the idea of incorporating the film's songs into a stage presentation, I recognized that as an inevitable byproduct of the film. Though I do hope Paper Mill's upcoming production will stick to the traditional 1959 one.

                             When, finally I went to see this production of SOM, I remember being stopped in my tracks, as I entered the theater. The atmosphere was air- conditioned cool, suggesting the Alps, and right before my eyes, on stage, was a blue scrim, in the middle of which was a portrait of a snow globe, with an Austrian village--and snow was coming down!   It was so beautiful, I was not the only audience member entering, who was stopped in my tracks.  It was also a brilliant way to theatricalize the dazzling visuals of the film's classic opening, which could not possibly be replicated on stage.

                                Last night, because I was shocked--SHOCKED!!!!-to my very foundations, that my beloved Monsieur had never heard the score to "She Loves Me!" I decided to rectify that. So I brought home the CD of the Original Cast (a LEGENDARY cast--Barbara Cook, Daniel Massey, Barbara Baxley, Jack Cassidy, Nathaniel Frey, Ralph Williams, Ludwig Donath....I mean, can you imagine a cast like this today?????  You would hard pressed to find one, darlings!!!!!!) which I myself had not heard in a long time. As I basked in its glow, it brought tears to my eyes, as it always did.  It was also a special listening--I had listened to this for years, as a single person, empathizing to my very core with Georg and Amalia, happy for their union at the end--and always holding in my heart that someday it would happen to me.

                                   Now, this time, I was listening to the score, after the fact that it had happened.  Which made it even more special.

                                     As for the SOM connection--this show has been described over the years as a "musical Valentine," or a "jeweled music box of a show."  Which it is. So, I think, the next time "She Loves Me!" is revived on Broadway--and it is due, as I am getting at!--the same visual concept should be used, as in SOM.  Audiences should walk into the theater seeing a pink scrim, in the center of which is a red Valentine heart, or a shining jeweled music box.  That is my FIRST suggestion that some out there had better pay attention to.

                                      When "She Loved Me" was last done on Broadway, it was done under the auspices of Roundabout, which was so successful, a limited run turned into an open ended Broadway run , and leading lady Judy Kuhn had been replaced by Diane Fratantoni.  Which was how and when I saw it, the first time out. So captivated was I by this production, that, when my father came to town to visit, I made sure I got him to it.  "She Loves Me!" is not done as often as other shows, and I wanted him to see something that was REALLY good.  Not only did he love it; I could tell he really GOT it, because, when it was over, the first thing he said to me was, "It's nice to see a musical where the words really mean something."  Out of the mouths non-theatrical babes!!!!!!!!!

                                        The other day, I was thinking back as to when that production was. Would you believe it opened in 1993, which, next year, will be 20 years, already???? Where has the time gone????? But, do you know that, in 2013, this show will be 50 years old, since the Original production opened on April 23, 1963???????? (Which also happens to be a theatrically important date; the birthdays of both Shakespeare and Shirley Temple!!!!!!!!  Hal Prince knew what he was doing!!!!!!)

                                          Well, listen up, Mr. Producers, because I am here to say that next year is high time for a revival of this show.  "Gypsy" and 'Fiddler' seem to be dragged out every couple of years (not that they are not great, but give some other shows a chance!!!!!),, how about another go-round for "She Loves Me?"  I don't know if Roundabout would want to do it AGAIN; if they don't I think Lincoln Center Theater should do it.  It would look lovely on the Beaumont Stage.  And you could still run a pink scrim around it.

                                            But, best of all, is, out there, an Amalia, who would be the dream of dreams--the best since Barbara Cook!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, darlings, you know whom I am talking about--Jessie Mueller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Jessie actually did the show at the Lincolnshire Theatre in her native Chicago a few years back, winning an award for it!!!!!!  If she were to do it here in New York, and at the Beaumont, not only would the Beaumont have its biggest hit since the days of "Anything Goes" and "Carousel", it would give Jessie the hit she needs to propel her career even faster than it seems to be going.  And this time out, she would be certain to get a TONY nomination as Lead Actress In A Musical; hell she might even WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As I have said before, girls, you can hear Jessie, via YouTube, from that earliler production. You can hear her on the opening of "Ice Cream" and on "I Don't Know His Name."  Oh, My God!!!!!!!!  But I can just hear, in my head, Jessie doing that part of "Will He Like Me"--"When I am in my room, alone....and I write..", with that symphonic underscoring when she gets to "There's no hiding behind my paper and pen!!!!!!"  Darlings, just hearing it in my head brings goosebumps, and transports me to theatrical realms!!!!!!  As will Jessie, if given the chance to do it!!!!!!!!!

                                             Alas, what time has done!!!!!!!!!  Once upon a time, I actually auditioned for the role of Arpad in this show.  I can still do a dead-on rendition of his song, "Try Me!", but the mirror does not lie--my voice may sound young, but my body is no Arpad.  It would, however, be suitable for Sipos, which would not be bad as I would love to do his number, "Perspective."  So, think about it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              And think about putting Jessie in a revival of this show!  That way everyone can get to see her, and it could actually lead to a Cast Recording, maybe a solo CD!!!!!!!!

                                                Are you listening to me, you purveyors on the Great White Way????????  It is time for a revival of "She Loves Me!"

                                                  It is the show that always "gets the tilt of its hats right; that's right!!!!!!!!!!!"       

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