Friday, August 17, 2012

The Mystery Continues, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     There are, indeed, peculiar things going on, within the section of 76th Street in Bay Ridge I mentioned the other day.  Something I forgot to mention is that at house number 314, where a statue of Mary very similar to the one pictured above, stands, someone, for unknown reasons hung, over one of the gate's spikes, a bag containing--I kid you not, darlings!!!!--
doggie doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Why?????????  From all I have observed, the residents here do not seem to own a dog.  I have never seen nor, more importantly, heard the sound of one.  So, what issue could the perp be enacting?????   Could it be the anti-clerical forces, rebelling against Mary!???????  They had better watch themselves, if that is the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This morning, as Monsieur and I passed up this spot, on our way to work, to the subway, we passed a blonde haired woman, walking a dog, and in her hand was a bag of doggie doo!!!!!!!!  Could she be the perp????????  Why????????? And why was one of her arms sprained or broken, as it was evidently bandaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Something is going on.

                                              Meanwhile, up at house number 260, all is silent.  Someone still sits upstairs in the second floor windows, as the curtains keep flowing back and forth, and you can sense a presence--just like in "Burnt Offerings."  But there is no sign of the Old Man.  Has he gone away??? Is he looking for a sacrifice for the second floor, to replace the one already there--just like Karen Black was the replacement for the "Old Lady" at the end of "Burnt Offerings???????"

                                                 And that dragged strip of dirt in the front yard has not been straightened.  A shallow grave, perhaps??????????????????

                                                   Never have I been on a street in this  area where things which looked so Gothic, actually seem to be!!!!!!!!!!!!  If any of my girls are walking on this street at any time, keep your eyes and earls peeled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      And perhaps be a little wary of seemingly sweet old men!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I advise you to watch the 1976 film The Sentinel, where a Brooklyn apartment building is the gateway to hell and John Carradine as an old priest sits in the top floor window keeping watch. The film also features Sylvia Miles as a dead,lesbian,ballet dancer with a German accent. What more could anyone want??


  2. I actually did see "The Sentinel" when it first came out. A lot of it I found convoluted and confusing. There was this one scene where Alison saw her father, an old coot, engaged in a lesbian sexual three way that freaked me out, to see an old codger having sex. At my age now, all I can do is amdire his staying power!

    I remember Sylvia Miles vividly in this. I remember her dressed as a dancer, but not did get that apsect of the story. Her lesbian partner was Bevery D'Angelo, and one of them in their scenes masturbated. Gross!!!!!!!!!

    Other than "Nashville", which she was great in, this is the only other movie I have seen with Cristina Raines. Very beautiful; waht happened to her?

    But that house. Six years later, when I moved to Brooklyn the first time, I walked to and along the Promenade to find it.

    I think it is still there!

  3. I think Cristina left the business. The only other thing I saw her in was the TV movie Sunshine, a real weeper where she dies at the end. It featured Cliff DeYoung (remember him??) as her husband, as well as the title song by John Denver.


  4. I remember the Denver song vividly; I forgot it was connected to the TV movie. That was during the period when TV was making a lot of those weepies--most famous, "Brian's Song." I used to watch and weep at them all; today, at my age, with mortality more a possibility--which it never is in your teens or twenties--I avoid such things.

    Seven years ago--"Nashville's" 30th anniversary, soome magazine--I want to say Rolling Stone--did a story on it. Its cover replicated the back side of the album cover, with the now remaining cast members linked arm in arm. Everyone looked good, but I noticed Cristina and Ronee Blakley had gotten noticeably heavy!!!!! Ah, the March of Time!!!!

  5. As Truvy says in Steel Magnolias about the march of time:Unfortunately after a while you realize it's marching across your face!"
