Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Girls,Remember When Being On This Show Was A Career Dream????????????

                                       When I was just a little thing, darlings, and the TV set glare beckoned a life of glamour, whether it be as an actor or a journalist, the show of the day that all of us wanted to be on was the "TODAY" show.  With Barbara Walters as the role model for all us aspiring career girls, this was the vehicle we wanted to be represented on, and seen by millions--whether as a journalist, or as a guest on the show, where an interview by Barbara would be expected.  Even Jane Pauley and Katie Couric kept the tradition going!!!!!!!!!  Wasn't Katie just the freshest and pertest thing, darlings??????
America's Sweetheart, she was billed as, though some of my sources at NBC used to say--pardon my French--she was America's Cunt!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What do I know????????  But the fact is, the once triumphant TODAY show is in a pile of trouble!  First, they hire Ann Curry, which made a lot of sense to me, because I always thought she should succeed Katie when she departed. Her compassion and empathy with her subjects was outstanding.  But, for whatever reason--and I think it was sexism--they wanted someone sexier.  Ann is not exactly a slouch in the looks department, loves, but the execs in power now who are too young to remember the debacle of Deborah Norville (who was said to get the job by giving certain execs head!!!!!!) succeeded in recreating it with Savannah Guthrie!!!!!!!!!  Well, Savannah has panned out, too!!!!!!!!!!!  The ratings for "TODAY's" coverage of the Olympics has been so disastrous they are sending over that classiest and most competent of journalists--the underrated and underused Hoda Kotb--to pick up Savannah's slack, which I am sure she will!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         If I may be so bold, darlings--and when am I not???--perhaps they should have stuck with Ann, and taken another look at Mattt Lauer.  Since Katie moved on, not only has his mediocrity been more apparent, but this short doo is not becoming; I remember when he was first on, he was HOT, and everyone wanted a piece of him!!!!!  It was the talk of the gay bar circuit, let me tell you!!!!!!! And, of course, everyone wondered about Matt. But since doing the marriage thing (which I still wonder--is it about as reliable as Tom Cruise???) he has become just plain dull.  It's not the women, guys, it's the guy you have got, and insist on keeping, on this show!!!!!!!!!! Now, I am not sure whom I would replace him with, but give me time. How about Dan Abrams???? Now, there is one HOT guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The carefree days of yore are no more, but it is a shame it had to happen with the "TODAY" show, a staple for decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            What will we watch with our morning coffee, girls???????????????

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