Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Separated At Birth, Girls??????????????????????

                            What Hell hath Emily Rebholtz, currently costume designer for the Delacorte "Into The Woods," showered upon us, now, darlings????????????????????????  It is bad enough, as has been spoken of, and can be seen here, what she has done to Amy Adams, one of the most beautiful of actresses out there.  But Donna Murphy????  That is inexcusable!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Sure, she is playing the Witch, and a witch is supposed to look....witchy!!!!!!
But that collection of twigs she is bedecked out in makes her look blood kin to Tabanga, the giant walking tree of the 1957 grade Z horror classic, "From Hell, It Came!"  Which you know I just LOVE, darlings!!!!!   Plus, what is that she is supposed to be walking across????? The bridge from "The Song Of Bernadette?"

                                   When Margaret Hamilton played the twentieth century's most famous witch in a film my girls had damn well better know by now, even with the green make-up, she was appropriately witchy, yet still managed to convey (and she had a great costume by a GREAT designer---Adrian!!) an elegance that suggested she ruled!!!!!!!!!!  Murphy's costume is just plain ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hey, Emily!  You are lucky you are working with what must be a very gracious set of actors!  If you had tried to foist off some of this crap on ME, I would have tossed it right back at you!!!!!!! 

                                        Tabanga, the Tree Monster, was not the only thing to have come from Hell!
Apparently, so have the designs Emily has created for this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I'm not going in these woods, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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