Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Darlings, Last Night Was A Big Night For Lorraine!!!!!!!!!!

                            On last week's "Rizzoli And Isles" episode, "Cut Like A Knife," it was shameful how little Lorraine, as Angela, was given to do.  Well, let me tell you, darlings, last night's segment more than made up for it!

                              Lorraine/Angela had so much to do. Like putting together a baby shower for Lydia, the mistress of her ex-husband, Frank, not knowing Lydia had been impregnated by either said ex-husband, or her ne'er do well  son, Tommy!!!!!!!!!  Whom Maura had the hots for, and let me tell you, Tommy could do lots better with her; maybe she could straighten him out. But, then, I think of that classic breakfast scene between James Cagney and Mae Clarke, and I know Maura deserves better!!!!!

                              And when Angela found out what her children, and Maura, had been concealing from her, she hit the roof!   You had to feel a bit sorry for Lydia; she may sleep around, but, as we saw, she came from trash (Where was the washing machine on the front lawn??) and her mother was anything but fit for motherhood. No wonder she wanted to bond with Angela and the Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Meanwhile, other things were happening.  The show started with a guy in a deserted alley, who is shot by one guy, sees another coming.  As he falls to the ground, he recognizes his assailants, and says "Please!"  One of them says "I have to do it!" and fires!  The victim turns out to be Shane Finnigan, member of a Boston group that achieved international success called the Channel Street Boys.  Shane had also been a childhood friend of Frankie's, so the whole family knew him, and are impacted by his loss.

                                   But what was he doing in that alley???? Drugs???????  Shane  had been in rehab, and was supposedly clean and sober for six months.  Prostitutes????  As it turns out, he was having a relationship with another famous pop singer, Gia. Together, they were  going to quit the business, and flee to a tropical country, where they planned to do humanitarian work. This did not sit well with Shane's brothers, Ronin and Liam.

                                     Looks like their scumbag father, Ryan, is in hot water, too! Jane and Frankie remember him as a bastard who used to abuse the boys, then, when they got famous, tried to get on their good side, and the gravy train, by managing them.  But he was too greedy; soon the boys discovered he was stealing from them, and off to jail he went!!!!!!!!!  At the time of Shane's murder, he had been recently released, and is looking good for the deed.  But he is vehement--he may be a scumbag, but he did not, and would not, kill his own son.

                                      So, who did???????  Would you believe Shane's own brothers, Ronin and Liam????   Ronin needed encouragement, so they formed a pact. Ronin's shots  were amateurish, even though he had a hunting license--he really did not want to do it; hence, that voice heard at the beginning.  It turned out Liam was the one who fired the fatal shot!  However, both siblings are having their sorry asses carted off to prison!!!!!!!!!  Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Meanwhile, Angela, feeling she has made a mess of her life, decides to move in with her cousin, Teresa, who does not even clean her bathrooms!!!!!!!  Until everyone kisses and makes up for a happy ending,  "Rizzoli And Isles" finale!!!!!!

                                           It just shows scum does not fall far from the tree!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And, girls, we have to wait two weeks--till August 14--until what we are promised will be the Summer Finale!!!!!!  Already?????????  I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But, while waiting, I can buy some new accessories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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