Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hail Augustus, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Today is the first day of August!!!  Honestly, can you believe it???  Because, just one month from today, we get into the "ber" months, and, at that point, as far as I am concerned, the year is over.  It is almost like winding down, now!!!!!

                                                      When I was a child, I always hated this day, because I knew the next month was September, and that meant school,which I was not crazy about.  It's like I wish July could have gone on forever!!!!!

                                                         These days, I feel less anxious about August, since the spectre of school does not hang over me.  But there are lots of birthdays of people I know, or  am related to , this month.  And don't forget Woodstock, for those of us of a certain age, was held this month--43 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          August was named after Augustus Caesar--NOT Augustin Burroughs, darlings!!!!--so we should make it a celebratory month.  The last hurrah, before Fall come s in and wraps her cloak around us, closing the chapter on this year's Summer activities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Hail Caesar, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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