Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh, Build It For Me, Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!! Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Darlings, remember Richie Rich, The Poor Little Rich Boy, in the Harvey Comics???? You just know I wanted to be him, loves!!!!!  Well, there was this one issue, where he invites his girl friend, Gloria,over for a visit.  I remember Gloria always wore a white blouse, a red and black plaid skirt, and had the most thick, gorgeous flow of red hair.  She looked like a pre-pubescent Rita Hayworth!!!!!!!!  I am telling you, even Rita would have been envious!!!!!

                               Well, Richie and Gloria were trying to decide what to do.  Gloria suggests going to an amusement park--which is fine with Richie.  But, then, he escorts her out onto the vast estate, and when Gloria asks, "But I thought we were going to the city, where the amusements are?", Richie explains that he has his OWN amusement park, right on the estate!!!!!!  What child wouldn't want that, darlings?????????

                                While not quite in the same league as Richie Rich, Jon and Natasha Cain, of Lancaster, Ohio, are at least following his idea and tradition.  Back in the summer of 2009, this very suburban couple, who do the very suburban thing of running a car dealership, built for their two children, Olyvia (yes, she spells it with a "y"!!!!)  and Samuel, a backyard roller coaster!!!!!   Though far from Coney Island's Cyclone, or even Richie's ride, I have to admit, girls, this is pretty impressive.  That drop, pictured above, is 12 feet!!!!  Listen, when I used to ride, and adore,  the Kiddy Coaster down at Point Pleasant, New Jersey,  it was never as scary or daunting as this!!!!  And there was no  drop nearly as high as the one seen here!!!!!

                                 These photos are from a video that can be seen online, of Jon operating the coaster, and Olyvia, who was then three at the time, riding it, and whopping it up!!!!  Honey, this girl has guts!!!!!!!
You wouldn't have gotten me on that contraption, at three!!!!!!!!!!  No wonder the cat looks stunned!  Obviously, he has more sense!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Yet, even from the photo, the kid seems to love it.

                                   Apparently,  when not operating the car dealership, this couple, who are in their twenties, like to build things.  The coaster was constructed out of PVC pipes (girls, I don't even KNOW what they are!!!!!), treated lumber, and concrete!!!!!!!  Do it, Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  If you ask me, girls, I think the Cains will eventually phase out the car dealership, because they have another career on the horizon.  They are talking now about building their own home--a log cabin--and, since they will presumably have more land, constructing a Ferris Wheel onto the property.
Not an enormous one, they said, but something operable!  These two have a vocational future, darlings!!!!!!!!

                                  I am sure you are wondering the same thing I was.  What happens when the kids outgrow the coaster?????  According to what I have read, Olyvia, now six, already has.  I think it should be left in the yard, because you know it  is the talk not only of every kid on the street, but for miles around.  And I am sure those kids are going to want to take a ride  on it.  If the Cains charged even the cheapest of admission, they could turn a neat profit!!!!!  And if they decide to sell their home, they should include the coaster in the yard, because it will unquestionably UP the property value!!!!!!!!

                                  They sound like gracious folk, so I don't think they would do that!!!!!!!  But there could be profit in their  future.  Because, after seeing this video, and reading this blog, I am sure couples with kids all over the country are going to be besieging the Cains to come to their yard, and build a roller coaster, a Ferris Wheel, or whatever!!!!!  They are going to be busy for a long time to come!  And wealthy in the process!!!!!!!!!

                                 Meanwhile, other, less skilled Daddies, will be hated by their children, once they see this, and cannot have one!!!!!  On with the Generation Gap!!!!!!!!!

                                  Darlings, it brings a whole new meaning to the mark of Cain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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