Friday, August 31, 2012

Time For That Last Blast Of Summer, Darlings!!!!!!

                                        Remember the scale model, pictured above, "Beach Bunny Catchin' Rays?"  Prepubescent straight boys went crazy over this, anticipating the hormonal surge they knew would follow, as they put it together, while burgeoning gay boys primped and posed, wanting to be as beach sexy as possible; never mind, if she looked a little slutty!!!!!!!!!!   And what of Beach Bunny today, lambs?  Bet several decades later, a little thing called melanoma caught up with her!

                                        But I can't think of a more visually apt symbol for my girls, as we launch into the end of Summer.  Seems we just  get started, and...oh, excuse me!  That is Carol Burnett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Summer does not technically end until September 21--that is three weeks from today!!! But for many, this Labor Day Weekend is the  end.  For all intents and purposes, houses are shut up for the rest of the year, amusements are closed down, and thus begins the long exodus Indoors, where, by February, everyone has more or less succumbed to Cabin Fever!!!!

                                          So, make sure you catch those final rays this weekend, like Beach Bunny here!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Who, I am pretty certain, is the cousin of Dumb Bunny, of the Inferior Five, whose mother was Princess Power, of the Freedom Brigade!!!!!!   There is a definite resemblance!!!!!!!!!!

                                             See you in September, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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