Friday, August 31, 2012

Girls, I Have Seen The End Of Civilization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There is this program on, I believe, TLC Discovery  Channel, called "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!"  I couldn't believe the title when I first heard it, but then, when I saw the show, I was more disbelieving than ever.  I mean, when I was little, I used to love Honey Bunch, of the "Honey Bunch And Norman" books!  But, at least, SHE was Middle Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The family and goings on of 'Honey Boo Boo' would make Goat Alley in Highland Park, New Jersey, seem, by comparison, the creme de la creme of Society!!!!!  It is like "Raising Hope" taken to the next extreme, except "Raising Hope" is entertaining and witty.

                                     You have to hand it to Honey Boo Boo!  She is still a cute kid, and she knows how to play to the camera!  But look at this family portrait; she doesn't stand a chance!!!!!!  The Whitest of White Trash, darlings!  Not only that, the parents are alleged felons (great role models!!!) and the blonde girl on the far right, Sister Anna, gave birth in the episode I saw, and I had to wonder--just how old is she?  She had no breasts to speak of--especially unusual in a childbearing woman--and she was so hipless I wondered how they were gonna prod that kid outta her!  And she barely had enough flesh on her bones to do a Cesarean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        There is no  doubt that Honey Boo Boo and Family are making the most of their proverbial Fifteen Minutes of Fame!!!!!!!!!!!  What will they do after she outgrows her cuteness?  Will Mama have another kid????  Remember, lambs, even Shirley Temple grew up, and was said never to be the same, the day after she bought her first brassiere!!!!!!!

                                        Even more disturbing about 'Honey Boo Boo' was the fact I was watching it!  I have to place the blame for this one on Monsieur, who was bugging me to look at it. Well, one night, with no other viable options, I gave in!!!!  It was worse than I thought!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Between this, and people reading "Fifty Shades of Gray," our civilization is going down the shower drain, like the blood in "Psycho!"  Hell, it is going down the toilet!!!!!

                                           Then, add to this, the Republican National Convention!  Sweeties, don't get me started!

                                            And just wait till I tell you--and I will!--about "Toddlers And Tiaras!!!!!"


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