Saturday, September 1, 2012

"You Want To Do Homework??????????"

                                Girls, I am telling you, I cannot believe this is September!!!!  As far as I am concerned, when we get into what I call the "ber" months, the year is shot!!!!!!!!!!  What a fast one it has been, and how fast the Summer has flown!!!!!!!!

                                 Years ago, when Nana (my maternal grandmother, who lived with us!!!) used to get rapturous over "The Lawrence Welk Show," I used to love the Lennon Sisters.  They were so fresh and wholesome; just like I wanted to be.  They were also a cottage industry.  Board games, Whitman children's mysteries, and, I am sure, at least one Colorforms set, was inspired by them!!!!!!

                                  During this Labor Day weekend period, there was this one number, which, of course, I forever associate with the month, with the sisters all grouped around the kitchen table, with books, pencils and paper.  It was some kind of musical Back To School homage, where they all sang "You want to do homework?"  This at a time when I was still old enough to get homework, and, no, I did not particularly want to do it!  Especially if it was doled out by Mrs. Santamarina!!!!!!!

                                   Funny how, as adults, with school being an ever distant memory, this month's  association with school still lingers.  Having been out of high school 39 years, and college 35, I still think of September as Back To School Month!!!!

                                   And, of course, it has become more than that.  A mixture of light and dark, what with Fall and "Frank Mills" on one hand; September 11 and Tyler Clementi on the other.

                                    Oh, and don't forget La Festa De San Gennaro !!!!!   Aboondonza!!!!!!!

                                     So, here we are, another September, another year gradually starting to wind down!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Autumn leaves must fall, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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