Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bye, Bye, For Now, 'Stolen Voices'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Oh, my God, girls, last night, the Season Finale of "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets!  What shall I do, without its soaring, poetic lyricism????  How long do I have to wait for the next Season??? Those clouds moving????????????

                             Last night was the tale of Kate Johnson, of Portland, Oregon, who really got a bum rap!
She was a generous loving, music student with a humanistic bent!  A regular Sister Simplice, though I cannot be sure she was Catholic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The summer before her senior year, Kate got a job as Building Manager of one of the dorms, at the University of Portland (Oregon), where she was a student!  Even she was creeped out, and I am telling you, girls, I don't blame her!  You should have seen this place!  It looked like the abandoned school in the opening of the 1980 Jamie Lee Curtis classic, "Prom Night."

                                But scum, as we know, girls, comes in all shapes and sizes, and comes out of all sorts of places.  Also working on campus was one Deniz C. Aydiner, a Turkish citizen, with the cultural awareness of the Ayatollah!!!!!!!    It seems he was actually a graduate of the same school Kate was going to (wonder what he got his degree in, loves???? Dulcimer making, maybe, because he sure did not seem like the academic sort!!!!!!!!).

                               The first thing I want to know is, what the hell is a Turkish citizen doing out in Portland, Oregon???? Why isn't he holed up in some tract apartment with a dozen other emigres in some God forsaken place, like Corona, Queens, or anywhere else in that borough, where these losers hole up???????
And how did he manage to get any sort of college degree????????

                                 Because, for all his education, Aydiner was still hanging around the school, doing custodial work!  You know what that means, dolls--a slacker!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Kate was no slacker, and, being an employee, she and Aydiner crossed paths before her demise.  And they had a difference of opinion.  Now, I have had the same myself, and have been mad enough to say, like Bette Davis in "Hush......Hush, Sweet Charlotte," "Ah could just keel you!"  But would I ever actually do it???????  Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Not so Mr. Aydiner.  It seems he and Kate got into it hot and heavy over the treatment of women in this country, versus that in his, which is, to put it mildly, more sexist, and Kate was not going to take any crap from him!!!!!!!!!  No, sireeeee, and she was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But this piece of trash, who should have been scraped off the hull  of whatever boat he clung to in order to probably illegally enter this country, did not like being put in his place one bit--especially by a woman!!!! Poor baby!!!--and he just stewed in his own juices of anger (which concealed a criminal past!!!!!!!  I mean, doesn't it always???????) and things boiled over, till he escalated from surreptitiously stealing jewels and baubles from the girls he resented, to breaking into Kate's room the evening of May 29, 2001, and beating her, handcuffing and raping, then finally strangling her, leaving her dead!!!!!!
Nice, huh???????????  All this over a conversational disagreement!!!!!!!!!!  Listen, if I killed everyone who tells me to my face that "The Song Of Bernadette" is not a screen masterpiece, I would have been imprisoned  for over 40 years by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This Aydiner thought he was so clever, in trying to clean up!  He thought he would get away with it!  Well guess what, loves???????  He didn't, because what did he know about a little thing called DNA???????   Too dumb to even watch "Law And Order!"  Let alone "Judge Judy!"

                                        Now this piece of Turkish shit, not toffee, is serving a Life prison sentence, for what he did to Kate!  And good riddance!  You can bet he was not made by Bonomo, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But the ending was so moving, with Kate's mother visiting the grave, having made peace, and recognizing that Kate (great job by the actress doing Kate in both body and voice!!!!!) would by now have forgiven her  killer!  Which says a lot about her, lambs, because  I am not so sure I would!!!!!!

                                          And so we bid a fond farewell to the soaring lyricism of "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets!"  Will we ever see those shifting clouds again, in Season Three????????   I hope so, but when???????

                                           Meanwhile, I am going to a book group discussion, this very evening,  on John Steinbeck's "East Of Eden," under the auspices of a Catholic church!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't wait to tell you about THAT one, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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