Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh, My God, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS Is The Film Every Established And Aspiring Queen Has To See This Fall!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, not since "The September Issue," several years back, has a fashion documentary aroused such excitement and anticipation.  Which turned out to be the discovery of the day, yesterday!

                                   What a day it was, darlings!!!!!!!!   Monsieur and I had not quite dressed, and I was enjoying my morning coffee in a leisurely fashion--the best way to do so, darlings!!!!!!!!!!--when the phone rang!  It was my doctor's office, calling.  I had an appointment for 2:45 that afternoon; they wanted to know if I could come in, at 11;30.   I said yes, because it would gt us started on what we had to do earlier, added to which we were due at ^PM for dinner at the glamour residence of Monsieur's equally glamorous friend, Ellen!!!!!!!!!!  Where we were served the most sumptuous meal!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Which meant we had to MOVE!!!!!!!!!  I had to beautify in record time; it was like changing costumes and make-up backstage for the next scene, loves!!!!!!!  We made it to the doctor, where I got my prescription, then got it filled.  We even stepped into Brooks Brothers, near Lincoln Center, where yours truly, the Raving Queen, was accommodated by the most accommodating young man, named Craig!!!!!!!!  I selected three shirts sure to be the highlight of the Fall season; just wait till I model them, dolls; it is sure to be the Toast Of Mayfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Having shopped and dropped, we made our way down the street, en route to the subway, when we passed the Lincoln Plaza Theatre, and saw that the documentary "Diana Vreeland--The Eye Has To Travel" will be playing, and you know I am going to be there, for that!

                                    I still can't get over how much Diana looks like my maternal grandmother, whom I called Nana!!!!!!!!  Talk about Separation At Birth!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Nana was a pretty snappy dresser, but then who could hold a candle to Diana Vreeland, anyway????????????????

                                      Girls, you simply have got to see it!  Established queens will flock to it, longing for the days when glamour was...........Glamorous, which Diana represented!!!!!!!!!!!  Aspiring queens should see it, to learn something of their cultural history, and to gain some simple but pointed tips on how they can spruce up their appearance!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I wonder if Anna will make a cameo appearance in the film???????  Or maybe she will be in the audience, when I go?????????   I would not be surprised, either way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I cannot wait till this opens, and I expect to see all my girls there!  Remember, "if you have a faucet, you can have a facial!"

                                        And--"The only real elegance is in the mind; if you've got that, the rest really comes from it!"

                                        Damn right, Di!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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