Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Am Telling You, Girls, I Felt Just Like Mia Farrow In "Rosemary's Baby"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As I told you yesterday, darlings, I would be attending a book group to discuss one of my all-time faves--John Steinbeck's "East Of Eden!"  It was held in the blue, Victorian parish house, next to St Andrews Church, on Ridge Boulevard, near 67th Street. Like the opening line of Snoopy's novel, "It was a dark and stormy night...."

                                But the discussion flowed, all salient points were touched upon, and a god time was had by all. I cannot wait to hear the discussion of the next book, "The Sense Of An Ending," by Julian Barnes.

                                However, I could not help feeling just a bit conspicuous, because, from all indications, it appeared I was the youngest person there.  Which meant I was pretty much the only person there under 60!!!!  Now, several members did not venture out, understandably, because of the weather, so maybe they were peers????  Maybe, maybe not!  As Monsieur said, when I arrived home, and told him, the older ones were who hauled themselves out in the miserable weather.  The young ones would have stayed in, if they had a hangnail!!!!!!!!!!!  My honey child does have a point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But, then, would the young ones have read "East Of Eden?"  Or any John Steinbeck?  Would they have even heard of John Steinbeck?  You have to wonder.

                                 So maybe it was good we were a  more....chronologically advanced group.  Because, when we strayed on to other matters related to the topic, like the various film versions, this crowd knew who people like James Dean, Julie Harris and Jo Van Fleet were!  The Generation Y'ers--and I know this from a source, darlings--do not know who Carol Burnett is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?????????????

                                   I can, so maybe it is good I was the youngest there. Better to be on common ground, than not!  Which proves age is not a factor in commonality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    See you all next month, there, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          


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