Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Can We Wait, Darlings?????? 'Les Miz' Has Been Pulled Back Till Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!!

                          After being told for months now that the widely anticipated film version of the musical "Les Miserables"--with Anne Hathaway as Fantine, girls!!!!!!!!!!--was to open on December 14, calendars were set, days off were planned in expectation of this upcoming event.

                           You know what they say about the best laid plans, loves!!!!!!!!!  Because now the film's opening has been pulled back, until Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!  I just found out this morning, darlings!!!!!!   Though a generally inspiring story, there are moments of aching sadness in "Les Miserables," which would  seem to make it something of a downer for Christmas Day!!!!!!!  Plus, who is going to go???????????  Most of us, on that day, will be celebrating with our families, and, after feasting and marveling over goodies, seeing a story about society's downtrodden is sure to raise one's sense of guilt on a day that spells Depression enough for some people!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Even if it had opened December 26 or 27!!!!!!!!!  But the 25!!!!!!!!!!  The Big Holiday????  AND Holy Day?????????  It just does not make sense to me!

                            Now, I am going to have to derail all my plans, and figure out how, when, even where, I am going to see "Les Miserables!!!!!!!!" And, of course, prolong the wait even further!  Though, buy the time I go in, at least I will know how the reviews were. Not that they will stop me from seeing it, but at least my curiosity will be sated.

                            And I am still thinking of going, dressed as Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Honestly!  It's like if Alfred Hitchcock had chosen to open "Psycho" on Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!

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