Sunday, September 16, 2012

Darlings, It Took A Bloody Mary At The Riviera Cafe To Mellow Out This Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This dining spot in the heart of the West Village has always been a favorite spot of mine, but has always had a special place in my heart since May of 2010, when Monsieur and I kicked things off.  Well, with yesterday being such a beautiful day, and the two of us happening to be in the nabe, where we stopped in at Three Lives to welcome the returning Carol, we thought a visit was in order.  And so we made one.

                         Because, after some difficulties of this week, I really could use one  of the Riviera's world famous Bloody Marys--the best in town, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, I belted one back, and, honeys let me tell you, I felt so mellowed out it was like the Age Of Aquarius had returned!  If we had had more time, I might have had another, and, then, oh boy!  I would really have been flying.

                        But we had to get home, because we were having company that evening, in honor of Rosh Hashanah Eve.  Ellen, Herb, Judy, and everyone's  favorite, and lovable aunt, Auntie Alvin, looking very stylish in a red shirt and stylish jacket.  And his teeth stayed in place!

                          We ended up at this lovely Yemen Restaurant on Fifth Avenue.  The food was fabulous! Great hummus, a fantastic Chicken Curry, Roast Chicken, Root Vegetables, and this exquisite appetizer of white beans in salsa sauce, with spices!  Yum!  The food was flowing, and the talk was ribald!!!!!!!!!!

                           After that, we made it home, where we settled in for the night, very well satisfied and mellowed out.  Food and drink does wonders for any bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Now, I have to cope with tomorrow being the Season Finale of "Stolen Voices,
Buried Secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"        

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