Saturday, September 15, 2012

Darlings, This Is One Leader Of The Pack I Am NOT Falling For!!!!!!!!!

                            Girls, I am feeling like such a bitch, I just have to get some pet peeves  off my definitively  non-Jane Russell chest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              You remember my old friend, Insanity Wolf????????????  Well, meet his cousin, Sanity Wolf!!!!!!!  He is a lot cuter; the Samantha to the other's Serena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Doesn't he have a charming smile????????????

                                The reason I am posting him, girls, is I have recently discovered Insanity Wolf travels in a pack.  Singly, or on their own, these howlers indulge in what I call "playground behavior," reducing their maturity level to the sandbox stage!  See what Sanity Wolf says?????  This Brat Pack needs to heed his words!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Because I have just about had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I have had it with these types acting so Holier Than Thou, thinking they are so much better than everyone else, when in fact they are the nut jobs!!!!!!!!!!  Whom I have been superior to, from the moment I was born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And state this unequivocally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I have had  it with those having fucking menopaustic fits over things no one can control, so they take out their frustrations  on  others!!!!!!!!!!  Well, let me tell you, no one deserves to be used as a whipping post!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And if you think I am going to be the stand-in, you have another thing coming.  Get off my case, bitches, or the kid gloves will come off!!!!!!!!!  And if you think they are NOW--just try  me!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I have had it with working drones parading  around like they are oh So IMPORTANT, acting like they can boss others, when what they need is a  supervisory march into a self-help program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Acting like Paula Zahn, when they will never even get as far as she!!!!!!!!!!!
They need a Reality Check, which is that they are fucking, pathetic losers, so get off the backs of those of us who are not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Bitchy enough for you, darlings?????????  Let's see; what else????????????

                                  If I hear that meaningless word "proactive" one more time, I am going to scream. First off, the morons who use it do not understand what it means in the first place!!!!!!!!  If they did, they would be busy taking actions, instead of listening to themselves talk, because they never met a word they did not like!!!!!!!

                                  I am sick and tired of group interaction, when most of the group members hate everyone in it as much they hate us,and we hate them right back!!!!!!!!  Some of us prefer to work independently, and be left alone!  So, shut up and do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I know, I know, I sound like I am foaming at the mouth.  But you see what Sanity Wolf says????????? I am just giving some crystalline examples on how to implement his advice!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   You know what they say????????  You bug a nice dog long enough; sooner or later they turn nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, put a muzzle on it, you rotten Pit Bulls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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