Saturday, September 15, 2012

Like Cleopatra's Triumphant March Into Rome!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Remember that spectacular scene, darlings, in the 1963 "Cleopatra," with Elizabeth Taylor, riding atop the sphinx?????   Something of the same is  going to happen at Three Lives Bookstore today, with one of its biggest literary  events happening--the Triumphant Return Of Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              No, she won't be riding atop that Sphinx, though she should!  I would love to see that Sphinx make it down little old narrow Waverly Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, I am telling you, when Carol marches into the store, it is going to be like Dolly Gallagher Levi, returning to Harmonia Gardens!!!  If I happen to be there, I will make sure to lead everyone in a rousing chorus of "Hello, Carol!"  Now, there's a musical for Jerry Herman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Like the  song says, Carol, it's so nice to have you back where you belong!  Back on the beat of literature, with her pulse on what is happening on all the high end keyboards in this town, honeys!!!!!  Including mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, some of you may think that the Fall Literary Season kicked off with the publication of Michael Chabon's "Telegraph Avenue."  But it really kicks off with the return of Carol to Three Lives!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I mean, to paraphrase Karen Black in "Nashville", Michael Chabon can't even comb his own hair!!!!!!!!!  You certainly can't say that about Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, salutations and greetings Carol, from the Raving Queen!

                                   Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!