Thursday, September 20, 2012

Darlings, This Is The First Bitch I Think Justifies Using The "C" Word!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You know, girls, the one that rhymes with "hunt!"

                                  I am telling you, if it wasn't for James Holmes, and his little escapade in Colorado, Elisa Baker, this week's Bitch Of The Week, might have turned out to be Bitch Of The Year!

                                   She was recently featured on an episode of "Deadly Women" that I watched, and, let me say, for all that I can watch this lurid crime stuff, this one I found so disturbing I very nearly turned the set off!

                                    What this bitch did takes the cake!  She began an online correspondence with one Adam Baker, in Australia.  He was disengaged from his wife, Emily Dietrich, and, for reasons I cannot fathom, his then eight-year-old daughter, Zahra, lived with him.

                                       You think you have it rough, dolls?  Listen to what Zahra went through in just ten short years on Earth!  Her parents broke up before she was born, which is bad enough! She lived with her father, which, again is unfathomable.  She waged--and won--a battle with bone cancer (!!!!), but it cost her one of her legs (replaced by a prosthesis!!!!) and the hearing in one of her ears!!!!   Can things get any worse for this poor kid???? You better believe it!

                                       Elisa Baker, all the way from her home in Hickory, North Carolina--real White Trash, you better believe it!, and   Daddy Adam and even Mother Emily are not much better--strikes up an online romance with Adam, whom she manipulatively ropes in!!!!   Zahra's biological parents  were engaged to be married, but never did.  Still, she got pregnant, and, when Zahra was born, she was all of 19, and suffering from post partum and other depressions, and felt she could not be a mother to Zahra!  Just a dumb excuse for irresponsibility, as far as I am concerned!  So she decided to relinquish custody to Adam, who had a more extensive family, because she felt Zahra was better being around people such as these.

                                      It would not have been a bad idea, if only Adam had not been such a dumb fuck, himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I mean, just look at him!  Is this a man desperate for pussy?  You better believe it!

                                     Castrate this scum while awake, and then   kill him!  Because he allowed himself to be lured into an online romance, by Elisa Baker (who, let's face it, is no Blythe Danner, herself!!!) and, because of her, uprooted both he and his daughter Zahra, from their Australian home, to live with Elisa in her White Trash North Carolina hovel!

                                      I am telling you, this poor child never had a chance!  What happened to Zahra tops even Fantine and Cosette!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        They move in with Elisa.  I don't know what kind of work Adam Baker found--does he look qualified for anything beyond McDonald's, darlings???--but suddenly he was spending more time at work than home!  Who knows; maybe he wasn't getting the pussy he thought?  Or maybe he thought he would get it elsewhere!  Am I angry at these two???? Damn right, I am!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        With Adam away, Elisa has carte blanche in raising Zahra!  What does she do?  She beats and starves the child!  But the worst--the ABSOLUTE WORST--is stealing the child's prosthesis from her, and forcing her to walk/run inhumane distances without it on , on one leg(!!!!) while she abusively eggs her on!

                                         And screw up Adam is so detached he has no idea what is going on!

                                         Around September 25 of 2010, the child was last seen!  On October 9, both parents reported her missing!!!!  Like anyone cared, dolls????   Shortly after that, parts of her body were found, within two counties!  She had been murdered--though no one was sure how--and then dismembered!!!!!!

                                            It is clear Elisa Baker, who takes the Wicked Stepmother figure to heights Cinderella couldn't have dreamed, did the dastardly deed!  She was eventually arrested, put on trial and sentenced to 15 or 18 years in prison???????????

                                            Why the hell didn't this bitch get the death penalty??????? And Zahra's dumb ass father!!!!!!!!!!!!  And her biological mother, Emily Dietrich, who, only after Baker was convicted and the media circus started spinning, came over from Australia, crying "Boo! Hoo!", not having even seen her daughter since the age of 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!  Give them all a lethal injection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             If there could be three Bitches Of The Week simultaneously, I would award the prize to all three!  But Elisa did the abuse, murder and dismemberment, so, for that, she is above the rest!!!!!!!!!  Maybe when her time is up they will find a way to keep her incarcerated, because, I am telling you, I do not want this filth on the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, that is this week's Bitch Of The Week!  One of the more lurid pieces I have written; I know.  But I will end with this. Whatever one's spiritual beliefs, there is a Justice that will allow Zahra now the peace she never got on this Earth.  May she be granted that eternally, while the three adults supposedly responsible for all the Hell she got here,  get a taste of her earthly experiences in the Hereafter!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Hey, Elisa!!!!!!!!  Choke on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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