Thursday, September 20, 2012

It Is Time To Say Goodbye To The Summer, Loves!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, darlings, I don't give a fig about what the meteorologists and earth scientists say, the way I was taught, Autumn begins on September 21.  So, this being the 20th, it is, as far as I am concerned, the last day of Summer 2012, and time to say goodbye!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Proserpina must really be packing her Winter gear right now, because, tomorrow, per agreement, she has to say Bye Bye to Mama, and go back to Hell for the next six months!!!!!!!!!!  And I am not talking of a Senior Center, in Florida!  I would be nervous, too, if I were she!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     As I have said, no matter how far we get removed from the experience of school, its calendar mentality still permeates our lives.  As far as I am concerned, Summer  is still the fastest passing season!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, what are the memories of this Summer?  Gun shooting, for sure, starting with that supreme wacko James Holmes in Colorado.  And so many celebrity deaths; more than any other, since 2008!!!!!!!  Which, by the way was also a Presidential year; could it be these folk all know something, and decided to go, while the going is good????  Maybe.

                                       Were there highlights?  Well, for Monsieur and moi, it was settling in to our lovely apartment, living with one another, getting to know (and me to re-know) the neighborhood of Bay Ridge, and sharing it all with you, my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Not to mention the Coney Island Mermaid Parade, or, at least lunch at Fiorentino's, off Avenue U, with their exquisite stuffed escarole!!!!!!!!!  And, of course, our very recent excursion to "Forbidden Broadway--Alive And Kicking!"  And I cannot forget Bea's 100th--that's right, darlings!!!--birthday in Rego Park!!!  As I write, she is, at this moment, still alive and kicking!

                                          But looking back on this Summer, in times ahead, I shall remember it as the Summer We Settled In!!!!!!!!!  And so we all have to settle down, for the Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           See all my chicklets, then, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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